The Fine Microsoft Surface Pro 3 at the quiet pre-8AM Foodcourt at Parramatta Westfield. As a Marketing Consultant, this is a beautiful and amazing device of speed, quality and usability. I love Microsoft!
If you have been following me on Facebook you have no doubt seen my praise and possibly “Excessive” (me take something to the extreme? Never x x) love of the Microsoft Surface 3 Pro. I have had it for about 1 week now and getting used for the first say 5 to 7 days drove me slightly insane, however now that “I have got it” I wanted to say how brilliant and amazing this device is.
Basically it’s 12 Inch Screen Tablet which has the full power Windows 8.1 64 bit. In street terms, it’s a “Tablet that can Replace Your Laptop”. I have been using it for almost everything since I have had it. That has been the fun side, watching YouTube and playing Video Games (when I get a chance) right through to more advanced features such as using it like a regular computer.
From a business point of view I have used it for tasks such as Cropping Videos, Writing Content, Demonstrating & Training and using the Regular Office Suite.
It’s been great for me and yes like a new computer, getting used to it at the start was tricky BUT once I got there it has been awesome, amazing and quite productive.
Talking more directly as a “Consultant” and putting aside my Pro-Microsoft Bias I have a great Consulting Business with a range of awesome clients across Sydney. This includes people who are say Multi-Millionaires who I am helping with their Marketing (more as a Consultant) right through to Awesome Start-Ups where I am more playing “Mentor” to them to teach them the tips and tricks of the game to get their businesses rocking.
In that experience and having to say go across town, I have used my Surface Pro 3 in a range of situations, be it:
– Using it on my lap say in the Car checking emails or sitting in Food Courts like I am now at Parramatta Westfield writing this post straight from my device.
– Clicking the Pen and writing on the screen and emailing notes to clients on the spot.
– Plugging in into a projector and demonstrating something or say playing a YouTube Video.
– Opening up massive PDF Artwork files and approving them.
– Taking the keyboard off or folding it back and using it like a pure tablet demonstrating something.
Overall I love it – it has a few weaknesses such as getting used to it at the start, battery life is about 5 hours (as I use it full on with heavy apps – would probably be about 7 hours for most peoples normal use) and also some icons can be a bit small (but you can easily change the size of them).
These points are minor though, when you compare it to the lightweight design, the fact it can replace your Ultrabook / MacBook Air + also your iPad / Samsung Tablet with just one device, it’s fast, sleek, the pen is great and it’s beautiful – I declare it as one of the best mobile working / entertainment devices ever made.
Microsoft did I think miss the mark completely on the Surface 1 and Surface 2 series – BUT THEY TOTALLY NAILED IT this time and well done to the Surface Team who built this amazing device.
Thank you for the read and my love and admiration for Microsoft is only on the rise these days!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Proud Surface 3 Pro Lover!
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