RIP to Curtis Cheng and His Family – This impacts us all, especially the way we think as a society!
Even though I never knew the man, I am very saddened for Curtis Cheng who was just killed in a Radical Islamic Terrorist attack in Parramatta (Western Sydney). He was a long-term Public Servant serving the NSW Police Force (an IT Guy in the Finance Department from what I can tell).
I live in Northmead / North Parramatta and usually find myself walking through there every day. I have walked past the shooting location many times and it was tragic to hear that it was all from 15 year old ‘boy’ who was born in Iran and seemingly got radicalised in Australia over time.
Curtis Cheng’s family must be going through amazing pain right now, along with his Police Station Colleagues and the like. I remember visiting and placing flowers at the Lindt Cafe site last December and Radical Islamic Terror attacks are seemingly now part of the Australian Landscape.
I think the recent events globally with Radical Islam, the attacks we are seeing across the world are changing how we all operate.
It makes us all slightly more alert, less trusting, it increases subconscious hidden discrimination against everyday normal muslims which is although a tragedy – is something that is quite logical I think for many to conclude.
I think for myself and many Australian’s of all heritages, it is almost out of this world to think of how one person can ingest so much poisonous radical materials and get themselves to a point where they would launch a suicide attack on someone they don’t know.
The irony of this behaviour is such types of attack only bring terror to everyone, it further damages the PR / Community Reputation of Australian Muslims and makes everyone that more cautious and more extreme.
Bringing it back to you, me, our Small Businesses, Marketing and the like – I think we are tragically going to see lots more attacks like this in Australia. Our Police Forces are forever reporting on foiled plots and as a Marketer – I think people are only going to get more cautious, more untrusting and will only consider more the type of decisions they are going to make to when it comes to buying.
My thinking from all this? Firstly – it’s tragic and my full thoughts and considerations to Curtis Cheng and his family. Secondly – we must ensure we are safe.
Thirdly and talking marketing – it’s important we market with full strength and transparency. I think the Australian Public are only going to get more cautious over time and need more evidence to help market our services – the best way to get over the cautious nature of people encouraged by shaking times.
RIP again, many prayers to those that stay affected – and please Stay Safe & Stay Awesome!
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