Joel Curtis the Psychologist as our Guest Blogger has written a great article on Running and Recovery in life and beyond. Compelling and thought provoking!
We are back with another great article from Joel Curtis the Psychologist. He is an absolute gentle giant and I remember the first time I met him; I immediately got that positive healing vibe from him.
Even though I am renowned for my Sales & Marketing Prowess, many ‘Joke’ about how sane I am actually am. I think I am relatively sane for the life I have led and spending time with people like Joel I think just makes me that little bit ‘Saner’ (however, don’t ever think I am going to stop wearing floral shirts, I have just purchased some more).
Joel has written a very compelling piece about his running experience and linking it to ‘Recovery’ in life. Physically, I have been run down for the last week and boy I can relate – right now my energy and resources are into a rapid recovery so I can get back on the horse.
I trust you will enjoy this great article and like always, Google “Joel Curtis” anytime you need to talk to someone who understands! Now, to his brilliant article!
The Runner, the Time and the Recovery (by Joel Curtis the Psychologist):
As a young man I was never much into running. Playing sports was about all the running I could ever do and I would much rather any day someone giving me a lift to wherever I wanted.
As I trained and became a psychologist, I found more that running wasn’t so much about “Running”. It was less about the actual sport and more about how you could push your own minds barriers to achieve more and more. Being a man who loves the field of Sports Psychology as well, I find the whole topic of “Mind over Matter” very true and profound.
About 2 years ago I started running again and while I hardly broke any records, I have seen the benefits of regular running come through to me loud and clear. The Psychological benefits of being on the road running by yourself cannot be found anywhere else and in that space I found I am able to be out there by myself with no distractions at all. I can think about whatever I want, clear the mental junk away and it’s a pleasurable liberating experience in that sense.
I am forever challenging my clients to push themselves and push their own thinking. When that occurs we can greatly enhance the quality of our own lives and free ourselves from being trapped in “Unhelpful” means of thinking. Using running at the obvious example, we can push ourselves slightly harder each time, create a strong rhythm and slightly lift our game every day.
When it comes to running, one key aspect to keep in mind is “Recovery”. I set a target to run for 2 hours today and was puffed out at 1hr and 47 minutes. After a slight walk, I “Recovered” enough and was to easily able run the last part of the course. I was quite happy with myself and bringing this back to my own life, my clients and the topic of psychology – things can just go wrong in life, so you need to recover and get back on track.
Running my not be fun for everyone, but I love it and I find it’s making me a better psychologist. If running isn’t for your, there are plenty of other great means of exercise that suit you. I know this experience has made me a better psychologist and helped me service my clients better. Contact me anytime if you need to talk.
Joel Curtis the Psychologist.
Edward’s Commentary:
I couldn’t agree more and my own version of ‘Running’ is hitting the gym. Same mechanism as to Joel, it gives me a chance to be alone with my thoughts and clear the rubbish thoughts from my mind. Be a bit sick with a cold over the last week has prevented that, so I can’t wait till I get back there.
Thanks for reading this one and keep up the awesome work friends and a big thanks to Joel Curtis for this one.
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Gym Man!
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