Sharon Grant commanded the room with a strong connection too all. Her ‘X Factor’ was admirable!
It was a beautiful Saturday in Sydney where the weather was quite nice (but not too hot) and for entrepreneurs like myself who love our businesses that much; weekends are a great time to earn new ideas.
I am very lucky to know the powerhouse Sharon Grant who is a Sales Mentor that ran a great workshop titled “Breakfree to Sales Success”. I know Sharon is very powerful and this was actually my first experience of watching her ‘Command and Conquer’ professionally on stage.
Sharon ran an incredible workshop which everyone learned many things and achieved breakthroughs in our own unique way. I have been thinking through the ‘X Factor’ of what made it a success and the big point of difference that Sharon is:
- “Her unique and powerful engagement and connection with everyone”
That is beyond the obvious such as venue, lighting, coffee, seating and stuff that common sense will tell us; what Sharon did / does that took things to the extra level was her incredible engagement with attendees.
That is she would speak to people, ask questions, push people, provoke people and you couldn’t help feeling that you weren’t in a workshop, but Sharon was holding a one on one conversation with you for this time frame.
What we also observed and talked about was Sharon’s indefatigable wit in this process as well. She would keep going and going with incredibly resolve that not only impressed the audience – but I watched people sign up to her the moment she finished.
My advice and thinking? Besides Sharon being wonderful herself, it gave me a sage reminder as too being connected with your audience. Be it Sales, Marketing, Coaching, Property or IT Software – having that connection with your audience turns it from a flat experience of saying watching “YouTube Live” to talking to someone one on one.
Love her work and Sharon totally rocks! She got me thinking and to playing my game at a higher level.
Make sure when you do run workshops, seminars, webinars or whatever you’re into – get people really engaged. That makes the massive difference.
Thanks for the read, here is to Sharon and stay awesome!
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