From a simple email to a complex opt-in, there are many ways of automating your lead nurture!
It’s 8:11PM and I had a great phone discussion pre-dinner with one of our community members on automating one’s selling. Basically, they don’t like selling (which I totally get) and they want this done on auto-pilot as much as possible.
This is to create the high coveted situation of people basically being as ‘ready to buy’ as can be before they speak to you. It was a great conversation and we spoke ideas, process and what can be done to facilitate this and make it happen.
This is basically the process of ‘Lead Nurturing’ which of course starts far before people become leads. That is you don’t want someone discovering you for whatever need and just speaking to you. It’s much better that they do their own research, learning, understanding and asking the hard questions so by the time they speak to you, the sell is almost done!
I am a big believer in that before I even speak to people they know a lot about what I do. So when I speak to them, it’s just an easy sell! To make this happen I have lots of marketing to educate people as much prior. These are some of the top ways in which I love to do it to make it happen:
- Autoresponder: People can opt in at your website and just get value straight away! Be it in your community, get some materials straight to them and they love it.
- Walkthrough Videos & FB Videos: I love them in that you can go through PowerPoints, give great information and talk about what you do. Makes the selling easy.
- Great PDFs and Profiles: All the information about you is there for people to get and for people to read. Well written so they know in advance.
- Email Marketing: Get permission and get them added to your database. Regular emails with blogs (such as this one) is just incredible.
- Live Webinars & Events: They are not completely automated, but are highly leveraged. A great way of speaking too many.
There are many more of course and these are some of the basics I really love. Basically the more content you can use to educate people makes your business just that much easier when it comes to selling.
My advice and thinking? Nurturing is everything and I love it. The more you do online is the less conversations you have and the higher value you can create in your individual experiences.
It just makes things better. Go for it, think nurturing and WIN BIG.
Love your work, thank you for the read and stay awesome friends! (Make sure you hit that like and share button too).
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