Like my Awesome Cat, people have very short attention spans these days with all the information out there. The trick is to hit them hard with powerful tight pitches so they know why you rock!
As time passes in my own business, I am becoming more and more “Brief”, “Sharp” and direct in my Sales and Marketing messages. Why? Because they work better in terms of generating interest, leads and are more fun and awesome for the audience.
What got me thinking about this topic was getting ready for my speaking slot at the upcoming 4Networking Chatswood this Tuesday. It’s a group with tons of new people who some of “Networking” for the first time and you can see everyone getting used to the first vital words that come out of their mouths. Arguably one of the most important “4o seconds” of a 2 hour meeting!
Elevator Pitches aren’t everything (as you get people who are doing “Perfect” pitches that the rest of their approach falls down), however when you get the right “Short Message” in the context of everything else – it helps really generate the “Right” interest in a given group. Be it online, Face to Face, or Networking Groups – the challenge of many is doing too much in their Elevator Pitches. I know that desire too, you just want to get out EVERYTHING that you do with the incorrect belief that:
“If I get out as much as I can, something will stick and I will get business / leads”.
This is what I used to think but what actually happens is this”
“People listen, get overloaded, switch off and miss the importance of what you are saying”.
The solution to this type of problem is exactly as the heading implies, work-out how to whittle out the “Junk” from your Elevator Pitch so you are just left with the awesome goodness. My questions to help you on this journey are to think through say the top 3 elements of what is really good about what you do and why people should hire you.
Let’s say you are an Accountant for example, you are brilliant because you are “Highly, Qualified”, give great “Business Growth Advice” and do an awesome job helping clients with their “Sound Financial Management”. In this case, you can weave this into one sexy line to hit people right in between the eyes. Let’s say I was an Accountant and not a Marketing guy, I would say something really powerful like:
“Hello I’m Edward Zia, CPA and Accountant for Small & Medium Businesses. I love helping my clients get control of their Finances, giving them advice to grow their businesses and looking after them through the big decisions in business and life. Come see me for a chat and thanks from Edward Zia!”
It is as powerful as that and I made that up on the spot. My advice? In terms of your own business, really think through how you can come up with a sharp and tight statement and keep pitching and tweaking it!
Love your work, drop me a line if you need a hand fine friends and super sweet!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor, Crazy Persian & Blogger
www.excellenceabove.com.au – Want More Awesome Profitable Clients? Get Instant Access to my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” right here!
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