Being a professional takes serious work and dedication. AND IT ROCKS!
I had an incredible session in working with a new client to be today. Even though working with new people is a common place for me every week, this one was slightly different in how my years of experience has been paying off.
I remember once hearing when I studied Life Coaching that you progress through multiple stages provided you PUSH yourself daily in your profession (i.e. ‘Cruising’ doesn’t count). These stages covered:
- Apprentice
- Technician
- Master
- Artist
Basically the starting level is that you are learning concepts and towards the end; you know it so well it all comes naturally with many instances of brilliance. Today with the new client I did in 45 minutes what would have taken me 5 hours some years ago. I think that was really cool and this has come as a result of not so much the time I have worked in my business, but at the speed and tenacity in which I have.
Thinking of the awesomely successful clients, friends and people I am surrounded by this is exactly the same thing; the ones who go hard, put in the ‘productive’ hours and win are the brilliant ones. They are Masters / Artists in what they do in that it all comes to them naturally.
These are the people who get more clients, have higher value clients and are far more coveted in their industry than the ‘average Joe / Jane’.
My advice and thinking? Go really hard and push yourself. Not just to get more done, but to work your way through the process to ‘Pro’ as quickly as you can. I just works, it feels great and it keeps one totally in the zone. You then get really good and save yourself lots of time. You then deliver more, earn more and enjoy more!
Love your work, thank you awesome client reading this and stay awesome!
P.S. Ying Yang, love your work and inspiration here.
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