Kat Tate is one amazing Creative Story Teller and Marketing Communications expert! I am so glad to not only refer to her but call her an awesome friend!
Kat Tate is amazing and I love her quality of work. Sure, I am one Very Good Copywriter (which is a strong secondary skill if you are in Marketing) – but Kat Tate is just outstanding in this area and able to take broad ideas and convert them into powerhouse words that sell!
In our February 2014 we had some “Funny Stuff” go on. Firstly a communication error between Kat Tate and I meant the Webinar slides weren’t updated – then Telecommunications meant that some people couldn’t hear us.
BUT the Awesome news is that the recording is crystal clear and even better – we took the webinar in a great “On the Spot” direction really honing in on people’s questions and delivered something way better than just working off the slides!
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Fan of Kat Tate!
Edward: Good evening everyone. This is Edward Zia with Marketing Consultant Communications expert and story teller Kat Tate for our February 2014 webinar. Say hello to everyone, Kat Tate.
Kat: How is that for an intro – thank you, Ed. Hi everyone. Thank you for joining us.
Edward: Absolutely. It’s a pleasure to have you here. Look, I’m very privileged to be working with Kat Tate so be it you are here live and if you are here live, please get the questions through and also as well, if you all are say watching this on my blog or reading the transcript, you know, have a think about your questions, get them through to us, and we want to give you as much information as we can about giving you powerful copy.
Now, first things first. In this quirky photo, that’s me on the right with a funny look. In the center is the amazing Kat Tate and don’t you look great there, Kat Tate?
Kat: Well, that was after a morning run so I don’t look my best but thank you for saying that.
Edward: And, of course, our fine colleague, Martha, who does websites. It’s fantastic to have you along. This is our free webinar where we are here to give you amazing content. You know, there’s heaps of people on the line though that I haven’t met before and some that I do know so hello to everyone.
But that’s me on the top, that’s also Martha on the top one. That’s my cat, Pandy. We’ve got two cats now! I’ve just got to say, it’s an absolute pleasure. I’m a marketing mentor and I get to interview amazing people like Kat Tate on my show.
Kat: You do, you do a great job of that too.
Edward: I’m just going to go through the introduction and really it’s going to be about Kat Tate. It’s going to be Kat Tate teaching us how to write powerful advertising copy, teaching us how to really sell and how to use the power of words to really get your point across. In fact, what are you going to tell us, Kat?
Kat: Well, there are a few secrets. I don’t want to reveal them all now but I’ll definitely kind of take you through but what I’m actually looking at and the angle I take with my business is this concept of strategic story telling. Everyone has a story, whether that’s in business or in life or in both if you are a small business owner.
It’s taking the approach of okay, what is my story, what makes me different to my competitors and how can I share that story with my audience.
Edward: Amazing stuff and thank you, Kat. I’m real excited about all this. What I want to do is I’m just going to run through really what I liked to keep your mind open to during this. As you are doing the webinar, think about your business. Think about your preferred style of marketing and again, you know, Kat Tate and I, you know, very intelligent yet very quirky characters. This is definitely a lot of Johnny Depp channeling here!
Kat: Like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?
Edward: Yeah. No, a movie that people actually watched.
Kat: Oh, oh.
Edward: Yeah. Lone Ranger. Look, and really your corporate culture and how you like to write. Think about ideas that work for you and really what the whole point of this webinar is that look, we’re not here to play a script and tell you how to live your life but our goal is to give you as much different perspectives and insight as possible and take out of it what it has meant to you.
You may not agree with everything we say but there might be that one little thing that you can put into your system that might rapidly improve your results. What do you think about that, Kat?
Kat: Yeah. I think that’s a really important point, actually, to make, Ed. Particularly in a small business and the business arena is we sort of freak out and think we have to do everything today and we’ve got this big list of all these marketing ideas and it can be easy to get stuck so my advice is don’t worry about doing everything. The one thing that really weighs the most with you, whether it comes out tonight or at another point in your journey, and just give that a crack.
Edward: Precisely and what this is that we are coming through the chase and we’re just giving you the valuable information. As Kat very well put in, I used to suffer from overwhelming very badly and that’s where you think you’ve got to do 800 things at once and look, the fact is, as a small business owner and entrepreneur, you will forever, ever, ever be behind the eight ball in terms of things. The list never ends, doesn’t it, Kat?
Kat: It never ends.
Edward: A skill is learning how to prioritize and just because you’ve got 800 things to do, just do four that day and just continue living your awesome life and get the results.
Kat: That’s right.
Edward: I’ve been a marketing mentor. I’ve been in the marketing profession for years. I’ve made it my business with over 20,000 consulting hours. I think it’s more than that, and I’m a workaholic who loves working seven days a week.
Here’s the big thing, a lot of people come to our webinars who have made big mistakes and they are feeling bummed out. Make those lessons. Make them part of your educational tapestry, and keep moving forward. As Rosie the Riveter from World War II says, we can do it. Marketing is about making business more awesome. How can people find it and sell more stuff.
Now, I want to really get through my bit quick and I just want to get onto Kat so now, before I sort of hand it over to Kat Tate, Kat Tate is a communications expert. I refer a lot of work to her in terms of writing copy. She’s an ex-journalist, you know, PR princess, on-line specialist. She’d call herself a PR princess.
Kat: I do. I was going to say that wasn’t something that came up.
Edward: Yeah, I’m looking at it, yeah, I’m not going to call her Kat Tate, PR princess although I think she’s brilliant in public relations and she’s a brilliant marketer. She understands the power of words. Really, I want to hand this over to Kat today as quickly as possible but here’s my take on words.
Words are the basis of language and you’ve got to think about a lot of people, especially people who are very strategically focused, don’t often put much importance into words but words can be I hate you, let’s go to war, and words can be I love you. You know, they are just words but emotion that it can base.
Kat: Words have power. Absolutely.
Edward: Exactly and all of this graphic, you know, you’ve got the stick figure family in position open.
Kat: That’s so great.
Edward: Yeah, and I’m sure Kat Tate and I can both relate to that situation.
Kat: We can.
Edward: Look, words are critical in marketing. Having the right words and especially as a small business operative, making sure you are speaking the right words to really get with the audience.
Now, for example, if you haven’t already, feel free to check out my Facebook page. There’s a great photo are there is my Facebook page, I’m always blogging, I’m always putting out information. Have a look at that and you can see how I personally use words to help market my business. You might learn something to suit your own business.
LinkedIn, now for one of you on the line, LinkedIn is critical and if anything, having someone like Kat Tate who writes some really powerful copy to make your LinkedIn sound amazing is critical. But what is your take on the LinkedIn profile, Kat?
Kat: It’s actually really interesting because I’m finding I’m getting a lot more work these days. It’s a very inexpensive thing because it doesn’t take a copywriter to get it right, although it can mean the difference between attracting your audience who is on LinkedIn and not attracting that audience.
Edward: Yeah and again, very, very, very good point. Feel free to visit my blog the Edward Files. That’s on my website and this is an example of how is only involving content to really engage people and, of course, my Awesome Marketing Vault!
Have a look at the design and have a look at the page and scroll down it and you can see how we’ve used words. Very powerful words that are motive to really connect with people. Now, the reason why, I’m not just doing this show and tell here.
What I think is actually quite important as a marketer is let’s say you are in business and I’m going to pick on Daniel Doherty who is on the line and Paul. Paul is an amazing video guy. Daniel Doherty is a high end web guy. It’s always great to study people that you like. People that word things in a certain way and adapt that to your own business to make yourself sound awesome. What do you think of that concept, Kat?
Kat: Yup. I completely agree with you there.
Edward: Absolutely so what I’m going to do is I just want to hand this over to Kat. So everyone, that’s Kat Tate on the line. Give her a hand. Yay, Kat Tate. It’s all yours. Go for it, Kat. And before I let Kat take the reins, please get your questions through. There are a line on questions and go to your chat box and keep it going. There we go. Over to you, Kat Tate.
Kat: I appreciate that because it’s very quiet here in the studio. But yeah, thanks. I just want to jump in and follow-up on what we were talking about before, which is story telling.
What Edward was actually talking about just then is headlines. I actually think headlines are the most important part of telling your story. Obviously sharing content is important too but if we take it back to the very first step, your headline can be really powerful. There’s a reason for that.
I’ll have you think about looking at a website that you were on today. How long did you spend on the website? Probably what, a few seconds? People are lucky if you are on there for a couple of minutes looking at their information. Your headline, whether that’s on your website, whether it’s a blog post or a tweet, whatever it might be, you’ve got a few seconds to make the best first impression.
Think about it this way, your headline is your first and it may even be your last impression that you have to make with your audience so it’s really important to make that stick. Look, if you are not a good writer, hire someone who is. I’m not just saying that to push the copywriting field but it’s more of investing money the same that you invest in your design.
Edward: I might as say as well, most copywriters are very, very fairly priced and not just to sell Kat Tate’s effort but I often say this to clients. A lot of my clients will be copywrited. You know, you just can’t sit there and positive think your way to success. You need positive words to back up your thinking on your way to success.
Kat: Yeah and the other thing too is when you are in a business, it’s really hard to understand how it looks to other people. We’ve got some cats in the background making some noise everybody. Yeah, so what a copywriter can do is bring that outside perspective and go hang on a minute or whatever it is doesn’t actually say anything about this service or I can’t actually get a sense of what personality at all so we’re there to really have a look at what you are doing and say okay, is your brand strong enough and does it really resonate with your customers and prospects.
Just on the next slide here, why write when you can speak. Now, Ed is going to jump in here and add some points, I think, but what I wanted to just say is you know, copywriting doesn’t have to be complicated and actually the more complicated style you have when you write, the more people you are going to alienate.
My tip is write the way that you speak, keep it really simple. Just imagine that you are having a conversation with someone. Keep it casual, be real short and don’t worry about being a perfect writer. That’s not the important point.
Edward: Absolutely and speaking from a marketer’s viewpoint, what’s really critical is that when it comes to your business, any copywriting is cutting to the chase. Being very direct. This is more of a strategic comment to sort of augment what Kat Tate is saying. But think about what is unique about your business so for example, if you are let’s say writing a tag line for your whole business, what is unique about your business?
What is compelling about it? What is your strength? For example, Paul on the line who does video work. He does very high quality video. It might be calling the videos with style could be his sort of angle. Or say Daniel Doherty, fine web developer. You know, he’s got this whole Merlin Magic sort of process, which is absolutely amazing and amazing we’re actually quoted out making the magic happen.
Kat: Oh, I like that.
Edward: Well, that’s a quote to Daniel from the great work that he’s done for us last time so thank you. But it’s about, is that the same slide? We’ve stolen some of Daniel’s content.
Kat: Whoa.
Edward: Oh no, we have to give you a royalty for this Daniel, okay, so this actually is part of Daniel’s slide from last time so there you go. We’ve got to pay this guy a royalty.
Kat: The checks in the mail.
Edward: The checks in the mail. Checks in the mail so there you go. But exactly. Did you, so Kat Tate, you just copied Daniel Doherty didn’t you?
Kat: I think I might have.
Edward: Oh no. Oh Kat Tate did.
Kat: Copywriting you, isn’t it?
Edward: Kat Tate is going to get sued by Daniel Doherty but just to make it up to Daniel, Daniel for example Doherty has amazing words in his business. He is a high end web designer and he talks about making magic happen. He talks about on line wizardry. In fact, what are the most powerful words sort of invoked with you when you hear them, Kat Tate?
Kat: Well look, the first thing is that it sets you up as they may be different and they are different in business is really important. The market, no matter what market you are in, is crowded and it’s saturated and you’ve only got a few seconds to get your message across so if you’re recruiting a really strong brand with things like magic and you know magician and whatever it might be or something else, if you have a really strong brand and your brand has a really cool personality like that example there, you are great!
Edward: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, hopefully Kat’s advice will get her out of the lawsuit that is coming her way.
Kat: I call it inspiration, by the way, not copying.
Edward: But this is off from Daniel’s, what’s going on here? Maybe we opened the wrong one. Don’t tell me we’ve opened the wrong presentation. What a disaster. That’s what’s going on. What is going on here, Kat?
Kat: I don’t know.
Edward: Have you missed the original content? Guys, this is embarrassing. You all just got to all bear with us very quickly. This is absolutely amazing.
Kat: But, while you are sorting that out, Ed, I can definitely keep going.
Edward: Yeah, keep talking to the audience while I work on this one. We’ve got a technical issue.
Kat: Ed and I were having a chat before about the shift the moment in the business world and certainly that’s one in the business world that we often see. At the moment, people are looking for truth. What that means is that when you are telling your story on line, whether that is through a website, Facebook, wherever it might be, people want to know who you are, the person behind the business, and how your brands are named, what the purpose is behind your services.
They want to know your story and if it needs to be told. If there is anything that you take from this webinar, it’s that I encourage you to really think about your business and what makes it unique but also how can you share your truth with people and that’s a really key part of storytelling.
As I mentioned before, we’d love to have your questions. We can actually shape this webinar around your questions so if there’s anything specific that you’d like us to cover with content, please just pop it there in the comment box.
Ed, you were talking before about lobbying.
Edward: Yeah, exactly. I think with this little fopah that we’ve had, we’ve just got to run with this, Kat Tate.
Kat: We have to.
Edward: We’ve had a technical issue and we’re embarrassed so what we’re going to do is we’re going to show you the art of improvisation. We don’t know what’s happened. We’re very sorry, but we’re going to change how things are done today. What we’re going to do is we’re going to improvise. We’re going to actually go to my main screen.
What we’re going to do is a full improvisation here with this big fopah. What I actually want to do is spend a bit of time talking to you all about really a real practical demonstration about copywriting in action.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: You know, again, something funny happened but I reckon something funny happened for a reason and really …
Kat: I think so.
Edward: We’re going to focus a bit on my blog here and what my blog is and I’ll go back here, is that my blog is basically a means of generating ongoing content to really speak with the audience, to really connect with people and I think really to get that ongoing content strategy and help me to really succeed and resonate with my audience. What it is that you can see my screen in action here.
We are going to get the full back end tour about what I can do. What it’s all about is really having core content capturing the likes. I’m going to click on this one. This is a blog I wrote today and I had this absolutely, you know, it’s done very well. It’s got a lot of views today. It might just take a second to load up on your end and what it is that it’s, look at the headline of this.
Thank you Paul, if he reads this today. It’s called being chicken in business and how it keeps you poor. Now, in this case, I’ve got a very strong headline, I’ve got a very compelling headline and I have very, very, very compelling messaging to really get that.
I’m talking about how I used to be chicken. How I used to do bad things. How I used to not be serious about my business and as an ongoing content strategy it’s really, really resonating with the audience. What’s your sort of take on ongoing content and that sort of thing with the audience, Kat?
Kat: Well, you know, look. I haven’t actually read this particular post, I’ll be honest with you, right? I’ve been real busy today but look at what your other posts have been, what you do that’s really a great lesson for everyone on the line here is having an opinion.
Don’t be afraid to have an opinion that’s a bit different. You know, you’ve used an analogy here, which is fantastic, you know, being chicken in business. That’s really intrigued me. I want to read this. It’s like what are you talking about there? Cool. So I’m going to jump in and find out what your perspective is and if it’s compelling enough, I’m going to share it.
Edward: A question for you, Kat. How does a business owner really get out of their own heads and create super strong words that just helps them sell products like crazy? How does that work, Kat?
Kat: Look, everyone has their own process of doing it. I have clients who get me to write their blog posts for them so you can get a professional to do it for you but in terms of creating authentic, real content, I think it’s best if it does come from you. I think one thing is to just think about what you do in business that’s different. Where is there a gap in the market? Don’t be afraid to go and find people who are doing it well in your industry.
Let’s say you are a plumber. You find a plumber in the US who is a great blogger, hey, give that person credit. Write a blog post saying how great you think their latest blog post is and start to build up your audience that way and share information that you find. Don’t be afraid to have a strong opinion and don’t be afraid to promote other people in your industry.
Edward: What are the sort of words that you would use that really sell? Are there sort of key buzz words that you would use, Kat Tate? Are there words that you can just say that just really nail the audience right between the eyes?
Kat: I wouldn’t say specifically because that depends on your industry, what you are trying to promote but the really key thing in blogging again, which you do well, is don’t look at it as being a way to sell to people. Sure you may end up in sales for a minute but really this is a chance for you to position yourself as being an expert, to share your insights, to be generous in the way that you share those insights, and to really build your tribe. I wouldn’t say using a buzz word, I’d just say be really truthful in what you write.
Edward: So what’s this tribe concept you are talking about because I’ve spoken to lots of other people out there and a lot of marketing, we always talk about building your tribe. Let’s say, we’ve got, I’m looking at the line. We’ve got some amazing people. We’ve got business coaches, we’ve got property people, we’ve got consultants, we’ve got people that own gyms. We’ve got a really diverse range of audience. What’s this whole tribe thing? What are you actually talking about here in building a tribe and how does that make people money, Kat?
Kat: Okay so back in the day we used to just talk about customers, right? So who are your customers, you are happy to sell to them. That just doesn’t wash anymore. Today, the whole on line space has changed and people want to be, they are looking for people who stand for something.
Let’s just say you own a gym. You know, you can come out and have a really crazy opinion about how the fitness industry needs to change or about why the style of working out no longer works or whatever it might be. You start to have this really strong opinion, right, and you start to share it with people.
When you do that, you actually attract people who go yeah, that means something to me. I get that. I want to be a part of that community and you do that and you put that information out there and those insights out there. Your tribe will actually then share that with people they know.
When that happens, your tribe gets bigger. You haven’t actually had to do any work. You are building this on line community of people who support you and become your fans. It’s great. It’s a really, really great thing.
Edward: What are some words that you think, can you give us an example of what are some words that different people can use like buzz words, power words to really grab the attention of the market? What are some examples, Kat?
Kat: Look again, I mean it really depends on the concept you are producing. I wouldn’t say that there are any particular buzz words. I’d actually steer clear of trying to be too salesy in the way that you write.
Edward: What do you mean by not being salesy because aren’t we trying to sell stuff, Kat?
Kat: Yes, obviously your end goal is to sell but today, because there is this shift towards people seeking out more genuine businesses and key influences, you can’t just be out there with a strong sell anymore. Your intention should be to share your insights and knowledge with people and hey, chances are you are going to get sales out of that. I wouldn’t be thinking so much about what words do I use. I’d be thinking about what ideas do I put out there.
Edward: Oh okay so let’s pick on an example. Let’s say, I’m going to pick on Paul Sheaffe who is a video guy.
Kat: Why not?
Edward: And by the way, if you want us to pick on you on this webinar and volunteer, if you want some free consulting now, send us a message, put up your hand, because I want to put Kat on the spot and I want to tell her what power buzz words to use for people on the line today.
Paul Sheaffe is a video guy. What on earth would you, hey, Paul Sheaffe wants it. By the way, if you want some free consulting from Kat, ask your questions now. So, with the case of Paul Sheaffe, Kat, what kinds of words do you think he could use to really get across his strength in video?
Kat: Well look, this comes back to working out what your benefits are and what is unique about your business and come up with a really strong brand story. I don’t know, I mean I don’t …
Edward: Oh, I’ll help you out. I’ll tell you what. Let’s say Paul is very good at quirky shots and he’s very, very friendly to talk to.
Kat: Fantastic.
Edward: What do you think you could thresh out of that?
Kat: Look, just to throw some things out there, you know, you put the quirky into video. Video, you know, video, you really put me on the spot here.
Edward: I know. I know, well, I’ll have a shot. I’ll have a shot to get going. What about quirkiness that sells?
Kat: Yeah, that could work.
Edward: What else could you suggest for Paul?
Kat: I don’t know man. I’d just do a good brainstorm. Look, there’s one, why don’t you take that?
Edward: I got Kat on this one. I put her onto it. But no, seriously, what I’m doing, and I love putting Kat Tate on the spot is that in the case of Paul, for example, I know Paul. He’s a quirky, real friendly video guy. It could say you know, he might use words such as friendly video, awesome results. You know? I might be strange but my work is brilliant. See the way that I’m speaking here is that it’s very attractive and there’s a lot of fun and playfulness in it.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: What do you think? Can you criticize my copywriting, Kat? What do you think as an expert?
Kat: You did hit the nail on the head. The great thing you’ve done there too is keep it really short and sharp and used a bit of humor too, which is great. People really, really resonate with that.
What a copywriter will do and what, if you don’t have the budget for a copywriter, what you can do yourself when coming out with this copy is just get to know yourself, you know? If you had five seconds to sell your business, what would you say?
I think that’s a good example that you’ve done there but the reason I don’t want to throw out some ideas on the spotlight here is because I actually like to put a lot of thought into my copy and I think you need to as well. If you are sitting down and you are thinking all right, you know, what words should I put out there, how should I write it, don’t do a rush job. Have a real strategic thing. Get some friends and colleagues involved and come up with some ideas about what makes you different.
Edward: And that’s great and Paul just made the shoot almost anything that moves and many that don’t. There you go. You sound like Victoria Police. The thing is like shooting, you know, that’s an interesting word. So now it’s Paul’s video, he might use the word shooting as a joke and obviously there’s a bit of fun there.
Kat: Play on words are fantastic.
Edward: Exactly. Exactly so thank you Paul. We’ve got this great guy by the name of John Mitchell who is a real estate social media guy. He just gave us his web link, which I’ve just put in. You can see it in Google. Here’s his site. He’s asking me what do we think of, how can I improve my blog and so we’re just looking at it now, sitting here with Kat Tate. Kat, well here is his blog. What do you think off the hip that can mildly help him out?
Kat: Oh, awesome. So let’s have a look at the top one here. You’ve got interesting real estate reads and what’s that say? Analysis. Do you know what I would do? I’d actually, because you’ve got there that you’ve got, you know, you’ve created a few different tidbits in the links that you’ve found and you want to present to your audience. Great. I’d actually pull those out and create specific separate posts on each of those interesting things that you’ve found because the heading real estate reads, is it real estate reads and analysis?
Edward: Yeah, its interesting real estate reads and analysis.
Kat: Yeah, so that’s quite a general thing to say. It’s quite a general headline. It doesn’t really tell me much about what’s going to be in there so what is the interesting real estate read? Let’s just say you found out that properties have gone up 20% in Sydney. That’s your headline. Property creeps up 20% and what it means to you. You know, so make that a really specific headline and you make the posts quite specific to accompany that as well.
Edward: So you say for example in the case of releasing content, actually find the true belly of that article and actually make that the headline?
Kat: That’s it.
Edward: Right, so it’s a really, a lot of your advice, Kat Tate, is it really about finding just cutting to the chase of what’s brilliant about it and that’s it?
Kat: Cut to the chase. You may have three seconds if you are lucky to get someone to even read the headline. Then what you want them to do is read the first sentence. Then if you are really lucky, they are going to read the next sentence, do you know what I mean? So you haven’t got a lot of time to actually be compelling so get it there right with the headline and you’ve got a better chance of success.
Edward: Yeah and another good example is as much as ABC News has been under a lot of scrutiny lately, I’m still a big fan of the ABC News even though they’ve been in a lot of trouble and I’m on the ABC News home page. Right, now the ABC, they know how to make captivating headings and I know this is a maybe example but this is just on my PC now. Asylum seeker dead. 77 injured. That, unfortunately, in a negative way, is a very compelling headline.
Kat: Yeah, it is. Ignoring the subject matter because we don’t want to get into that but looking at the headline, if you didn’t even read that article, you know what’s happened, right? You know exactly where it’s happened, what’s happened in terms of the Asylum Seeker being killed, and 77 being injured. So if you didn’t read the story, you’ve got two seconds to get your news for the day, you’ve got it.
Edward: And that’s amazing. An interesting one, if you look at the top right, we’ve got Craig Thompson found guilty.
Kat: What?
Edward: Now, I don’t know if you guys know the back story of Craig Thompson but Craig Thompson was a labor, a Member of Parliament, and he had a union credit card and he used to call up certain service, oh sorry, alleged, but actually now he was found guilty so I can say it.
Kat: I don’t know. I don’t know if you can.
Edward: Well, but according to this, according to the headline, the ABC is reporting he was found guilty. This guy was calling certain services at 2 a.m., using the union credit card funds. What is interesting is that Craig Thompson found guilty. You know who Craig Thompson is and he’s found guilty, you are going to open this article. In fact, let’s open the article now.
I think I looked at it earlier but let’s see what it says here. Look at that. It’s, you know, as it loads up, my take here on your end but Craig Thompson for trial caught a hands down guilty verdict. Notice how the wording is fraud trial, guilty verdict. It’s just enough to keep you addicted and just keep your rating.
Kat: Yeah and if you look at this in a marketing sense, we can pull those key words. The key words that I’ve got here in the headline of Craig Thompson, that’s a key word phrase, fraud, guilty. So if you are going use any of those key words, I’d say it’s probably going to come up pretty highly in your search results.
Edward: Exactly. So what are you talking about here, Kat? You are talking about key words and search results. Take us sort of back a little bit. What’s this thing about key word in Google search? How does all that work, Kat?
Kat: Yeah, well look, that’s a whole other webinar and we can get quite into that topic but if we just look at the general idea there, when you go into Google or any other search engine, but let’s just use Google, that’s an example here. If you’re searching for something, let’s search that now. Craig Thompson.
Edward: Woops. Sorry. Oh, I was just doing this so far.
Kat: Craig Thompson.
Edward: I know what it’s doing. It’d directing it to the top.
Kat: That’s right so people at the top we’re typing in Craig Thompson.
Edward: That’s Craig Thompson. There’s a P in it. So it’s the right Craig Thompson.
Kat: And just wait for the search results to come up here.
Edward: Yeah. There we go. We’ve got all the stuff on Craig Thompson.
Kat: Now look at all the news items that have come up there and see how it’s bolded the key word phrase that you typed in. Anyone who has created content around that key word phrase is going to appear. Now obviously news sites are such messy databases on line but they tend to get favored in search results. They seem to be incredible sources of information. If you do write a blog post about Craig Thompson, maybe you might get on the first line of Google.
Edward: Yeah.
Kat: But as you build a blog, as you build a content data base on line, you will start to get points from Google in the search endings and it will in the search results.
Edward: Yeah and I suppose translating that into more subtle speak, what Kat Tate is eluding to in style is that when you are writing content, especially on line, let’s say you are writing content on your website, you want to think about key words. In other words, if you are writing, let’s say it’s video production, you know, in the case of Paul Sheaffe or it’s John Mitchell, it’s property in Seven Hills, you want to use those words in as many articles as you can because what Google does, Google has basically an artificial intelligence that indexes websites every day and the more you have those words on your website, the more likely it is to stand up in Google. Now obviously this is not the webinar itself. We are here to more talk about words and how to construct sentences.
Kat: But it’s all related.
Edward: Yeah, definitely all related and you know, it’s on line or traditional sort of media, all those things are very, very important.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: In fact, what I’m going to do is because this is going well, I’m just going to open up my actual ticket for my upcoming webinar so you are going to see the backup house of my directory structure. What we’re going to do is we’re actually going to, you are going to see behind the scenes of Edward Zia.
I’m going to open up the actual ticket that I’ve been using to actually invite people along to our upcoming event. So if you see on the screen, it might take a moment or two to load up. This is a good example and this is off line. This is an actual physical ticket that a few of you on the line I’ve actually handed it to.
What it is that it’s all about big words, big messages. So be it it’s a website or it’s a physical ticket or it’s a flyer or a business card, notice the big words in the design so I’m going to jump in to do design here. You see the picture of lovely Martha and I, you know, don’t we look great that.
Kat: Oh, look at that.
Edward: There we go. That photo was taken with an iPad. Awesome business boot camp. Okay, you can see some very, very big words there. On the right hand side, I make mine free so we’re giving away an amazing seminar. Notice how I’m using buzz words such as awesome, business, free, admit.
Kat: Yeah and how you also said that you are using big words but they are also not. There is simplicity in that. If you can just nail the most simple way of saying something, that’s how you get your audience interested. You’ve done it so well that there’s not one word there that is a waste of space.
Edward: Why thank you, Kat. It means a lot coming from you. Just a little bit and just dig that little bit deeper.
Kat: I didn’t write this by the way. I’m not promoting my own copy.
Edward: Kat can do better than this but the point is that if you look at this sort of ticket, its simple words, they are bold words. You know, and I think Kat has really touched something there, is that it’s, you want simplicity. You want simple words, compelling words. Words that just sound amazing and just really, I think, hit the audience right between the eyes.
Kat: Absolutely.
Edward: You know, it’s, this was a question, and please get your questions through awesome audience. The question I have for you, Kat Tate, if someone, you know, has an idea and let’s say they are not ready to speak to a copywriter yet, what do you suggest to them to help them flush out the right ideas to get the right words to make it sound sexy?
Kat: A word that I love to use is inspiration. I talked about it before. If you go on line and you look at what your peers are doing in other markets, let’s just say we’ll go back to the plumber example. You’ve got plumbers anywhere in London, America. If you Google plumber in America, plumber in London, have a look at what your peers in other areas are doing and don’t be afraid to, I’m not going to say copy, but to use their ideas as inspiration. That’s probably the best way to start your brainstorm.
Oh, here we go. We’re going to type this in. What these people are doing, I don’t call competitors competitors. I call them colleagues. These are your colleagues. If they are doing great work, share it, because chances are that’s going to come back to you.
When you write great content, they want to share. So yeah, to what other people are doing in your market and you look for the gaps as well. What aren’t they doing? What voice isn’t out there? What opinion isn’t being pushed out there? And then be the voice that is a bit different.
Edward: Wow, that sounds very good. I agree with that and I even do that in my own business. I recommend it for my clients. It’s great to look at other sites even from different industries.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: Successful sites. Look at the words they are using. Look at how they are speaking to the audience and look at how they are really causing a resonation with their customer base. I think that’s very, very, very important.
Kat: Yeah. The other thing to remember is you don’t need to actually go to a copywriter with nothing. You could have all your notes there, you could have a website that you’ve written yourself, and to get a copywriter to tweak it for you isn’t going to cost much or take much time. So if you are on a tight budget, that’s another way to do that. Your ideas are there, which is an important part.
Edward: Wow, that’s absolutely amazing advice. One thing that I actually think of is as I am sort of going through my backing house and everyone is seeing everything, the other thing I’m really like and I’m actually going to pick on my own website here. I’m actually going to click the events here.
This is our awesome business boot camp coming up. I’m just going to pause the video so it doesn’t slow down everyone’s internet too much but what it actually is that, you know, this is the awesome business boot camp page. This is being written with a lot of work.
I’ve got a lot of work into it, got all the wording perfect, just so it makes sense on line. Especially when you are talking websites and stuff like that, you really want to have simple bold words, intelligent words, that really just get people wanting to buy.
How to think about words, and these are some of my own personal words that I like, is free, now, value, quality, enhancement, success. What other top buzz words do you like? Just general words that grab a human at the mind?
Kat: They are probably the main ones. I would also be looking at not just the words that you use but also the way you use them so keep them really short. A lot of people say oh, you can’t. I’ll tell you what, 21st century marketing, that’s what you need to do. Start us and keep it short and sharp and it gets really dynamic then. But yeah, they are great buzz words, they are great examples.
Edward: Yeah so dynamic, successful buzz words, that type of thing. So of course, please get your questions through. We love questions. This webinar has gone off on a tangent but we are actually, I’m glad it’s gone off on a tangent.
Kat: Yeah, I am too.
Edward: Because instead of us just lecturing you, we’re actually getting deep into your questions so get your questions through. Ask us what you want and while you guys are coming up with your questions, I’m actually going to pick on another example.
Kat: Ooh.
Edward: Who should we pick on do you think?
Kat: Well, let’s have a look. Who have we got on the line here?
Edward: Well, I’ve got a few people on the line.
Kat: What about Peter Oliver? He’s a good lad.
Edward: Peter Oliver. Let’s type in Pedro Oliver into Google. Let’s see what happens, right? So Peter is on the line.
Kat: Oh, that’s not Peter Oliver.
Edward: That’s not Peter Oliver.
Kat: That’s a different Peter Oliver.
Edward: What’s your website, Peter Oliver?
Kat: That’s starburst.
Edward: No.
Kat: Dash photos.
Edward: What’s your, is that?
Kat: Yeah, is that the one you want us to look at, Peter?
Edward: Yeah, Peter, give us your email address. Let’s type in Peter Oliver.com. I wonder if it goes to him.
Kat: There you go.
Edward: There we go so we’re going to go on Peter Oliver’s site.
Kat: Starburst.
Edward: Starburst.
Kat: Dash photo.
Edward: Dash pg.
Kat: No, no, no, ph.
Edward: Oh, PH.
Kat: Please don’t type all that.
Edward: Yeah, I’ll get pogo. Sorry. All right. Got it. So let’s load it up now. So Peter is on the line. We’re just going to check out his website. And it’s not loading up.
Kat: Is it starburst-photos, Peter?
Edward: Oh, do you want to double check that domain and come back to us, Peter? Yeah, double check that and come back to us. It’s not loading up for some weird reason. So for that one, let’s, I’ve got a different one. Let’s go to Daniel Doherty’s website.
Kat: Okay.
Edward: This is Daniel Doherty, a great guy on the line. We’re going to go to his website. What’s going on here, I wonder? Let’s try that again. www.merlinfx.com.au. I wonder what’s going on here. What’s going on? The websites aren’t working. There is something weird going on, people. Oh and there’s something strange going on.
Kat: Well look.
Edward: Ah, here we go. There we go. The internet wasn’t talking to us. So we’re on the amazing Daniel Doherty’s website. Now, I want to blame someone on that one. There we go. No, there’s something funny going on here. So what it is that we’re on Daniel Doherty’s website right now and in this case, we’ve got the website here and I quite like Daniel’s website. You go to his website, you’ve got the beautiful Merlin Effects, he’s got some beautiful graphics. Look at his wording. Our on line wizardry brings you the magical client attraction and possibilities for a proven on line marketing strategy. That’s amazing wording, Kat.
Kat: Yeah. Yeah. There are so many great elements in what that copy is there so I want to just break it down for everyone. The first thing is have you noticed how it’s not all about the business? We’re so wonderful, we’re number one. It doesn’t actually say that. It says this is what we’ve got and this is what you get from it. You get magical client attraction profitability everyone, is that right? How do you do it? Through proven on line marketing strategies. So if I don’t read anything else, I know that this is for me and I feel like it.
Edward: Yeah, amazing, amazing. Some very, very, very, very good feedback from you know, Kat Tate. I only forget your name.
Kat: Am I Kat Tate?
Edward: Yeah but you know. Well, this is Peter’s website. I haven’t seen this website before. It’s loading up now. It’s more, I suppose being a photographer. It’s my pleasure, Daniel. I love your work. Now, suppose being a photographer, Peter is all about really compelling images, really getting that sort of point of view across.
Kat: Yeah, and that’s the important thing is Peter actually does well is photographs. He’s made that he focus of his work. Don’t you think you all, you know, you don’t have to write amazing copy, focus on what your product is or service.
Edward: Man, I love it. Now, one of my other friends is on is Sophie Francis so I’m going to pick on her website. Sophie, is that all right, Sophie? I think it’s Sophiefrancis.com. There is Sophie Francis’ website. This has changed since I’ve looked at it last. Wow.
Kat: Very fresh.
Edward: Yeah. You can see her website loading up now. Sophie Francis has done work on her website. Listen to this. Realize your strengths to realize more of your potential.
Kat: Nice.
Edward: That is very, very captivating. I think it’s really good I’ve just picked examples that are random here but I think it’s very fair to say, Kat, a lot of people are using some very compelling strong wording there, aren’t they?
Kat: Yeah, and it’s actually great that we’ve picked these examples because all of you have shown how strong you are and get to the point and all three we’ve just looked at have shown that. That’s real cool.
Edward: Yeah, absolutely and I think it’s yeah, very, very sort of compelling work. So yeah, I think it’s great. Look, we love your questions. We’re just giving commentary on the other sites right now but a few things I’ve noticed that we’ve picked up. Have you noticed that a lot of the sites we’re saying are good examples actually don’t have much wording. There’s actually not much message in here. They are actually quite simple sort of sites.
Kat: That’s true but let me tell you to knock down a message into say six or so words is a lot harder than writing 1000 words. There’s actually a lot of thought that I don’t know who wrote this website whether it was you, Sophie, or if you used someone but there has been a lot of thought that went into actually narrowing that message down to so few words and I think that impact rocks!
Edward: Yeah. Peter Oliver said Kat starts work on my website tomorrow. That’s awesome.
Kat: I actually am Peter. I’m looking forward to it.
Edward: So Peter actually hired Kat Tate?
Kat: He has.
Edward: Oh so there is corruption going on. No, it’s fine. Kat is a good decision. Good decision there. Hey look, does anyone want to volunteer to pick on their website? I want to start picking them at random. Please send it through if you want to volunteer. I’m going to pick on, who should we pick on? I’m trying to think of a good, who is on the line that we can pick on? I don’t know a lot of these people on the line.
Kat: There’s a long list there.
Edward: Yeah, a long list.
Kat: Would anyone like us to actually have a look at it and give you some feedback?
Edward: Yeah. While you guys think about it, I’m going to come up with a few sites that I like. I’m going to come up, I’m going to go to Microsoft. Let’s go to, I’m just going to type in Microsoft corporate. So Microsoft corporation. I’m just going to go to Microsoft Australia. That site looks really good, doesn’t it?
Kat: Right.
Edward: What’s going on here?
Kat: Thank you.
Edward: There we go. There we go. It might be the webinar software.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: Man, that looks good.
Kat: So fresh.
Edward: Yeah. Look at that site.
Kat: And look, the copy there but the copy that is there just fits the message, doesn’t it?
Edward: I really appreciate the sentiment of what you are saying, Kat. Notice that all these big companies and the successful companies, they are not giving you pages of text. They are just giving you really short powerful bits of information, aren’t they?
Kat: That’s it.
Edward: You are saying that the big companies have figured out less is more.
Kat: Less is more. Absolutely.
Edward: Wow.
Kat: And the great thing about when you are just a small business market is all of your competitors probably still have really archaic, cluttered websites. Even if you just tweak your home page and one other page, you are going to really set yourself apart from them and start thinking like the big guys.
Edward: Absolutely. Now, I’ve got a few back here so John Mitchell has given us another site.
Edward: Yeah. Let’s check that out. God, only a few of you want free consulting so I just typed in. Good website. It might just take a second or few to upload.
Kat: Okay.
Edward: That’s pretty cool.
Kat: Yeah. Nice. What I like there is there’s lots of different capture points. See how on the bottom, there are four different boxes there and they take you through different parts of the site. I imagine that will take you to some images as well. They’ve been really clever in the way that they separated out the different touch points of their website and where they want you to go.
Edward: Yeah. Yeah. I think it’s really, really good. Nice one, John.
Kat: And again, what I want to say, it’s not all about your copy. This is a great example of the combination of fantastic design and fantastic copy coming together to create a brand.
Edward: And for example, I caught up with a lot of clients that need a website and a copy so it might be Daniel Doherty and Kat Tate, Kat will build the wording again for the website. Really good work so they are a great team from Paul Sheaffe. I believe in having enough words to cover every part of my message in particular. When I get technical, I mention brands and models of equipment I use. Surely an expert in this field.
Kat: Oh yeah, definitely, Paul, but what I would say to you is that your website is your on line shop front so keep your home page really simple and then have options for people who do want to see the technical side of what you do. A great way to present that information to all the technical stuff is to have a blog. That’s where you can get really into the nitty gritty of what you do but you will find that most people just want to get a clear snapshot of what you are doing and whether it’s for them.
Edward: Yeah. Exactly. Let’s go onto my main website here. It might take a second for it to load up. You know, on my main website here for example, you know, the home page of my website is just designed to get information. It’s just designed to get across base points, just get people connecting with really what I have to say to the audience.
You know, there is, I think a good home page is simple and just it gets across the base topic. But exactly what Kat is saying, your home page might be quite simple but when you let’s say go into the blog or whatever, it delves in that a little bit deeper and gives a lot more rich and more valuable information.
Kat: Yeah. Yeah. Think of it is as I don’t know, levels of a house or something. That might be a good analogy. But as you get, you know, further down into each level, you get more and more information for those people who are sticking around to read it. But when you are saying you want to position yourself as an expert in the field, definitely use your blog as a tool to do that and share that amazing knowledge that you do have about your area.
Edward: Absolutely. Absolutely. And sharing can be as simple again, this is not a Facebook or social media, you know, webinar. We’re more interested in words but taking the lead and just popping it straight through Facebook and it can be as simple as that and a great means of getting your content out. Yeah. I think that’s great. We’ve discovered a lot of ground. I’m actually glad this thing broke.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: And we started doing this webinar by accident. What other insights do you have for the audience and please get through your questions everyone. I’m sort of glad that it went this random direction today.
Kat: Yeah, me too. And look, I do have just some top tips that I would like to share with you and I hope you find them useful. As I’m bringing these out, feel free to pop in any questions. But don’t feel that you’ve got to write these down because there will be a recording coming your way.
The first thing to think of with your content is to make it shareable. Always think about that. Always have that in the back of your mind. Why am I writing this and who is going to share it and why are they going to share it? That will help you get really targeted information that is really compelling like your chicken post today. That’s pretty shareable.
Edward: So you think my chicken post is very sharable.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: Because the thing was, it was just so simple.
Kat: Yeah. Simple. Simple can be the best way to be honest.
Edward: Yeah. It’s funny. It’s only, there are things you can do in business and Paul, it’s been one of my most popular articles yet it was one of the most shortest and briefest.
Kat: There you go. So that’s my first tip is to make it shareable. My second tip is to have a great headline. We touched on this before but I want to share a stat with you. Eight out of ten people will read a headline but only two out of ten will read the copy that comes after that. That’s pretty profound. If you only know a headline, noticed it’s a bit CRAP, it’s okay, as long as you hit them with that headline because most people stop there.
Edward: So you are saying just if you make sure the headline is perfect, that will carry the rest of it quite nicely.
Kat: It can do. Definitely. The second point is to make it relevant. This goes back to understanding your audience too so who are you writing it for. Once you know who you are writing this information for and why they should read it and why they will want to read it, then you will be able to come up with content that really is relevant to them.
Edward: Yeah. Well, for example, I work with a lot of small business owners so my content is aimed at small business owners, and I know my market and I’m writing for them. I’m not writing for CEO’s of big companies. I’m not writing for solicitors. I’m writing for little people like yourself on the line. I connect with you and get across my point and as compelling and authentic way as possible.
Kat: Yeah and that goes back to building your tribe. You are building a really neat tribe who are invested in what you have to say.
Edward: Question. What do you think of this heading I’ve got here, Kat? Does that stand out?
Kat: Well, apart from the fact that you noted some illegal activity there, Ed, which I’m not sure about with the legal team, you might have to check on that one.
Edward: It was actually legal so what it was that I was actually in Auburn with some clients and we had these Middle Eastern tobacco pipes.
Kat: Oh.
Edward: It was completely legal but part of me think it is illegal, I’ve walked out of there completely high.
Kat: Yeah, I spent some time in India a year or so ago and got an old Shisha pipe and I’ve got to say that, you know, it’s one of those instances where they questionable.
Edward: Exactly and the point being again, this is not about me smoking drugs in Auburn but this is more about you can see sort of how I’ve taken this event and I’ve made a very eye catching heading about it.
Kat: That’s it.
Edward: And this got a lot of views. Marketing creator been smoking drugs in Auburn.
Kat: Yeah. Do you know why? Because it’s controversial but why is Ed talking about smoking drugs? You know? What’s that about? I want to read that.
Edward: Yeah. Exactly so there are several different tactics, being a bit controversial, I’ve been direct, talking about strange things. Even in nice ways, you can be, you don’t have to be controversial and negative.
Kat: No.
Edward: It can be positive.
Kat: Yeah, it’s basically about standing for something, having an opinion. You know, if everyone else is saying something is great, come out and say why you think we should consider something else or vice versa. If everyone is being quite negative in your field about a particular thing, maybe you missed an opportunity for it to be a positive thing so have that voice.
Edward: Exactly. Exactly. I think a good example is people having to dig up the photo shopping issue right now.
Kat: Yeah.
Edward: It’s funny. On Facebook, there was this semi-nude photo with quite an overweight woman that came out.
Kat: Okay.
Edward: I shared it saying this woman is hot, I don’t care what anyone says. Something like that. It got nothing but likes and resonation.
Kat: Excellent.
Edward: I’m thinking standing for something different, you know, having a different point of view, but that different point of view that you know resonates to your target market.
Kat: Yeah and, you know, we were talking about this before, Ed, when you actually have a really strong opinion, you are going to polarize people and don’t be afraid of that. You will upset some people but they are not the people you need to worry about. As long as you are serving your tribe!
Edward: Exactly. Here’s a good one here. This is an article, which I wrote, and I want to sort of show you it wasn’t not only to make my own political point. But it’s also to use some very compelling viewing. This one got a lot of views. My article heading is Gay People in Business. Why I love them and think they are awesome. Now that’s a pretty controversial sort of title, isn’t it?
Kat: It’s great. It’s opinionated. I love it.
Edward: And it did really well. It got lots of views and also, again, I mean I’m obviously you know pro-gay and pro-gay marriage although I’m a Christian and liberal and all that but the point to sort of make is that, you know, I have a lot of gay clients. You know, so the fact that my gay clients have seen me taking their side in such a public way is only going to advance my cause, isn’t it Kat?
Kat: Yeah and again, it goes back to being authentic. You know, being truthful if that’s what you believe. Put it out there and don’t be afraid of it. I will also just say that while you have an opinion, try to bring it back to your business in some way if you can because it comes back to being relevant and you do that really well because you’ve said, okay, this is my belief about gay rights, but there is a link in the business sense too.
Edward: And that’s good example so the way I’ve written this content. I’ve been speaking about gay rights but I’ve told you about how they make good clients and I’m a great marketing person. You know, so again, this is one example. What I might do just to break things up, I’m going to go back to a real world example.
We talked a lot about it on line and I guess I know a lot of you guys are thinking on line but I’m just going to randomly go into our archive, which you can probably see, and I’m just going to dig up something which is actually real world and I know what I’m going to dig up. I’m going to dig up my actual corporate profile.
Kat: There you go.
Edward: Now, I don’t’ mean to bore the hell out of you guys and you are going to see this load up now, but a lot of you people that know me in the real world, you would have seen my corporate profile. Now, I don’t want to spend heaps of time on this, you know. It’s, you know, I don’t want to spend a lot of time on it but I just want to show you, this is an example.
Kat has helped me, you know, Kat has gone over this and she’s actually helped me with some of my content on this. My corporate profile is really how a lot of people, at least on my one on one services, decide to hire me. What’s the first thing in my corporate profile? Also in business and marketing for small businesses.
Kat: And your feet as well.
Edward: And my feet. They are not my feet, but you know. Yeah, exactly. You know, it’s compelling words, compelling messaging, to really resonate and get that response to the target market.
Kat: Yeah and the thing is too that if I’m going to creep, I’m your target audience, I see that and I go small businesses, it’s bold. My eye goes straight to that. I go yeah, that’s me and yes, I need these strategies so I’m more likely to open the cover and read on.
Edward: Exactly so I think we are saying a lot of things the same. Be relevant, be different, be short, be direct. What other tips have you got there for the audience, Kat?
Kat: Well look, I know we’ve been talking about written content but I do just want to drop in other ideas for you to think about that make up the whole content cake if you want to put it that way. Because that’s what content is. It’s a cake. It’s all these different slices of things you can do that make up the whole cake. There are a few things you can do. Info graphics are really big at the moment. Info graphic, would you actually Google that for me? That’s just one example.
Edward: You bet.
Kat: If you go into Google images and you pull one up. So info graphics are a really cool way to share information without just writing lots and lots of copy. So I’ve got one here, which is going to come up on your screen in a moment or two.
So see how it’s really colorful and you’ve got lots of cool little graphs and pictures and sometimes it’s a flow chart too so there will be arrows taking you through the graphic. That’s a really, really cool way to share information in a different way than just having words on the page. I encourage you to consider those.
There’s actually some free websites you can do] graphics. Piktochart is one of them, which is Piktochart. It’s really easy and you can jump in there and create a free info graphic and then it’s free once you blog or wherever else. I’m just going to pull one up now. So yeah, so and there are a few other ones too but that’s just the first one that comes up in Google if you want to check it out.
A few other things to think about. Video content. You know it’s still huge, YouTube is taking over. I would say make sure you’ve got written content and video content because then you are capturing two different markets, two different styles of getting information to people and also it’s great if you actually were to have those two versions as well. So video.
Podcasts is another great way to do it. That can be as simple as recording something on your phone. Kind of Ed, you’ve done that yourself.
Edward: Yeah, exactly. You know, you can record content with your phone and I’ll even give a big shout out to Daniel Doherty.
Kat: Yeah. He’s in video. Oh.
Edward: Daniel Doherty, he recommended me this great site when he did my last webinar is rev.com. You know, rev.com, you can get whole things, you can get whole sections of information transcribed to really give, you know, $1 a minute transcription is very, very accurate.
Kat: And cheap.
Edward: Exactly so if there is going to be lots of content, you might just record some audio file and you can just send it, $1 a minute and get it all transcribed but for example, this webinar is going to get transcribed. We’ve been for about 55 minutes. It’s going to cost me $55 and it’s all going to be transcribed. That’s going to be out there publicly for you guys to refer back to.
Kat: Yeah and the great thing for us in terms of doing that is also, you know, you guys have got information to take away with you but Ed, if you want to share that on your websites and beyond, we are creating shareable content that is going to get recognized in search engines.
Edward: Exactly and this webinar is transcribed for years to come.
Kat: Absolutely.
Edward: Absolutely. Wow. Just amazing. What else have you got for me?
Kat: Look, I think we’re just going to start wrapping up here, Ed, is just coming back to our key points about content. The first thing I want to say is don’t worry about not being a writer. It’s your ideas that are important, particularly when it comes to your blog. Your website, you want to get, you know, pretty spot on in the way that you write it but particularly blogs and video content and the rest of it, it’s your ideas that people want to hear and it’s the ideas that are going to stick. So focus on that. Have a unique voice. Think about what is different and don’t be afraid to polarize people.
Edward: Absolutely and guys, we’ve come to the end of our webinar. We’ve had a major content disaster but I think, I hope we survived! Something, we’re going to play the blame game, that’s fine.
Kat: It was the cat.
Edward: Yeah. It was a cat. You know who it was? It was the ABC.
Kat: Oh. The ABC.
Edward: ABC. There you go. We’re going to blame them but look, all I want to say is thank you. We’ve had an amazing webinar. You guys have been an amazing audience and I was just going to say that’s Kat Tate right here. She’s right next to me. Her email address is right there so feel free to visit kattatecopywriting.com.au or Kat@kattatecopywriting.com.au. Send her an email if you want to hiring her amazing services. You know, Kat is more than happy to have a half an hour chat with you just to talk about what you can do and she can help you with.
Kat: Yeah, absolutely.
Edward: And so am I, you know. We are all here ready to help you and we just want to say thank you for being an amazing audience. We’re going to have this all transcribed and if you are watching this years later in hindsight, I hope you enjoyed this time capsule. If you are watching this recently, I hope you are getting some great content.
Guys, I think that’s it. There’s no more questions. I think we say to these awesome people have a good night.
Kat: Yeah. Have a great evening everyone and thanks again for joining us.
Edward: Guys, thank you. It’s been a pleasure. Edward Zia signing out with Kat Tate. Have a great evening and contact us anytime.
Kat: Bye. (music exit)
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