Squeeze Sydney Business Networking! Love it and one great group. Certainly love to see you along!
June 16th 2011 was a great day for me when I first founded Squeeze Sydney Business Networking! With tons of Awesome Hard Work and running this event again and again, it has become quite a prominent “Meetup” Group with quite an established fan base.
It’s a Free Event Sponsored by Edward Zia (Me) and also supported by the 4Networking Australia Business Community. It’s usually attended by anything from 25 – 65 depending on the weather and how many are out that night and it’s contains a light “Semi-Structured” format that is based on 4Networking’s Ethos of “Meet, Like, Know & Trust”. I personally like putting it on to serve the business community, give a free event and help show how Awesome 4Networking (and me) are!
We have anyone from people who have been in business for years, to those who are still at work looking for that one “Awesome Idea” to create the Entrepreneurial Lifestyle for themselves and I love it!
On a funny note with some trivia for you, it originally started off as an event called “Inside Biz” and I had this delusion of grandeur (after getting some really bad advice from this “Coaching College”) thinking if I give out all this free content then people would hire me and give tons of money.
That never happened! People would come along and not want to listen to the speakers but just want to Network! Being a man who never second guesses the market, we turned it into “Schmooze Business Networking”. Then this “Lovely Person” from other Capital City who said their group was the same name threatened to sue me and then it became “Squeeze Business Networking”.
It is great for seasoned networkers and people just starting out. It’s great for shy people too! So if it’s your first networking event ever, it’s the perfect place to start!
We give people a chance to informally network, enjoy a 15 second round (when we have less than 50 people – where we normally draw say 5 names out of a hat), a 15 minute compelling speaker and have this structured exercise to help everyone meet new people and build awesome profitable connections!
I got that funny name for the group from some years ago when I used to work as a Technical Service Representative for a massive German Chemical Company (by the name of Henkel Surface Technologies – Henkel is a massive company that owns Schwarzkopf, Loctite, Sellotape and heaps more to name a few). At the time I knew this very cynical (yet very funny) Engineer at one of my clients that said “Ed you are just a Palm Squeezer, what do you know about Chemistry?”. He always had fun with me and messed with my head (successfully too!).
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