Tucker Carlson is my hero of a man who stops bad ideas. I love his work!
What we think is everything in business and success. If we think great stuff, chances are we will make great decision and get great outcomes.
If we have bad ideas, chances are we will do something dumb and wind up in hot water.
Every week I hear hundreds of different ideas from my wonderful friends. Most of these ideas are great, however some of them are bad.
Of course, I love to be positive, empowering, accepting and the like; BUT when I hear bad ideas it’s my job to squash them fast. This helps my friends avoid costly losses, so they can focus on winning million-dollar ideas.
There are great ways of picking bad ideas from a mile away and these are some of my shortcuts:
– The idea costs a lot of money, with little chance / backing that will make anything.
– The person suggesting the idea has come up with lots of ‘questionable’ stuff before.
– The idea is based on politics, personal dire and emotions; not based on what the market / customers want.
– People haven’t thought their idea through and can’t answer basic questions.
– The one with the idea isn’t willing to listen to reason or debate (e.g. they are a zealot).
– It’s too hard to explain the idea (usually means it’s poorly understood).
– The person is unwilling to act on their own idea (usually means they deep down know it’s bonkers).
My advice and thinking? Don’t be PC or nice! Squash bad ideas fast. This saves people really slowing their lives down and helps them become more successful faster.
Also, if you want to see the Master Jedi of Squashing Bad Ideas, type ‘Tucker Carlson’ into YouTube and watch this genius in action. I love his work.
Thanks for the read, act on GREAT IDEAS and stay awesome friends!
P.S. Image Credit and my love to Tucker Carlson! Genius.
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