Like my Awesome Buddy Carol Owen from the United Kingdom – Nothing Beats cutting to the chase in your Elevator Pitch Delivering a tight coherent message. She did with me and impressive!
More and more these days do I teach Personal Selling, Pitching and Public Speaking Skills to people around the globe. It’s one of those key areas of Sales & Marketing for ones Small Business that some get right and I think many over-complicate to their own demise.
I remember when I started my own business, I got some really poor quality advice from many people that had no idea (the pillocks stuck me into an annoying 12 month contract delivering me BS – but that is another story for another time!).
Their pitching was miles off the mark compared to what I know and teach today in the respect that they would get you saying over-complex things that just turn-off the audience and hardly would generate any interest in ones business.
To the best of my recall ability, I am going to put in their over-complex probable 60 Seconds Round Vs. My New Tight 20 Seconds Round (where the 20 Seconds is way more awesome and profitable for me).
[Old Lame Version with Lame Advice]:
Good Morning, My Name is Edward Zia and I am a Business and Marketing Mentor. I specialize in the Needs of Australian Small Businesses in Meeting their challenges in terms of their Marketing and work by providing professional consulting to help them grow and market themselves effectively. I achieve this buy a quality coherent process as learned from many years as a Marketing Manager and am looking for clients and introductions from people as such. If you are interested, please see me on the break for a conversation about how I can help you. Thanking you from Edward Zia – Excellence Above and Marketing Mentor.
Well that sucked I think! Even writing this in an article was putting me to sleep. After ignoring these ding-bats and proving they had no idea, here is my today 20 second pitch that gets way more business than that lame-ass story I just told:
[Awesome Modern Day Version]:
Hello Awesome People! Edward Zia here and I am a Marketing Mentor that loves helping Small Business Owners build strong, awesome businesses by Mastering their Sales & Marketing! Come see me for a chat and have an awesome day. Edward Zia!!
So I love this one and I just don’t read it out of course, I make sure I say it with lots of energy and 110% authenticity.
My advice? Don’t sit there and tell some long boring story about how wonderful you are. Cut to the chase of the brilliance and skills you bring with a smile and enjoy it!
And of course if you need a hand, drop me a line through my website and check out my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” where Personal Selling is a key module of it. You so will love it!
Thank you for the read from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Sales Guy and have a wonderful day / night!
2 Responses
We build awesome award winning smartphone Apps to help grow peoples businesses. DONE!
That is one brilliant 10 second round my British Cap wearing friend!