The Novotel Sydney Olympic Park is a great place to run events. A Professional, Beautiful and Relaxed Venue full of awesome people. Oh yeah we love it!
Hello Awesome People!
It’s 10:34PM and I am writing my blog. You may think I have totally gone insane for blogging this late at night and I can assure you of two key points.
Firstly, yes I went insane long ago. Secondly, we had such a great workshop, being our first highly successful pilot of our ‘Profitable Marketing Forum’.
When it comes to hosting events, the ‘Free’ model has always appealed to me and been incredibly successful. There are a lot of reasons for that and I get asked about them all the time.
Many of my clients see our free events in action and rightfully want to do their own versions of them (which I think is great). They work and I think are truly win / win.
You are giving free content / ideas to help people and you are getting hired at the same time. How good is that?
When I am advising on this issue, I then get asked the next question:
– Edward, I have found Cheap / Lame Venue A – do you think I should do it?
I am the first to shut people down in this regard and say NO NO NO – you want an awesome venue to hold your event. My Venue of choice has always been (and remains even more so to this day) the Awesome Novotel Sydney Olympic Park.
There are a lot of reasons for this and in very short simple terms, this is why I always say get a great venue when you are holding events:
– Would you hire someone who puts on a ‘Free’ Event at a lame venue?
When I ask this question, I get lots of squirming but eventually an intelligent ‘No Edward, I wouldn’t’. This then opens another conversation / question, ‘Edward, why the Novotel Sydney Olympic Park?’. I have lots of reasons and here are my Top 7 favourites:
1. The Area is beautiful. Sydney Olympic Park is very impressive.
2. The Parking is great and abundant.
3. The staff are really nice.
4. The Hotel has tons of space so it can be busy and you have a great run.
5. The rates are very fair and very reasonable (just ask them).
6. It impresses people.
7. Novotel is a great brand – a competitive, impressive, beautiful setup that’s enhanced by Sydney Olympic Park.
So there you go – you want a successful Live Event? Once you got the concept right you need the right venue. I was lucky to have great people like Patrick, Nikki, Pang & others help me out there too.
Thank you for the great vibes, book at the Novotel (no they aren’t a client and I have no bias)
Trust this has been another Helpful Topic. For more savvy tips and to keep up to date with New Ideas to Market your Business, please sign up to the “The Awesome Marketing Vault”
Love your work, and thank You for the read, enjoy the thoughts, Edward Zia signing out – Stay Awesome!!
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor and Business Leader who have worked for a very long time in Marketing and loves helping Awesome Small Business Owners get more clients.
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