The Nepalese Paragon Liz Olds talking about the tragedy of the lives and history lost – yet with an inspiration to do what she can with her cause to help 50 familes. Dig deep Awesome People!
At the time of writing this article – 5,000+ have been lost in what has been reported as Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight decades. In Kathmandu, many historic buildings were destroyed, with tens of thousands of homeless and living amongst the ruins in very desperate and dark times.
From my own research, there are tragic stories of whole families wiped out, whole historic sectors now being piles of rubble and many people lost from all walks of life.
Bad things obviously happen to good people in our world and one my Nepalese friends Eliza “Liz” Olds (Eliza Onta) has taken it on herself to contribute the cause of helping support 50 families in extreme situations over there.
I have been very lucky to know and work with Liz and was introduced to her by the awesome Martha Arifin.
Liz is an amazing character, the owner of Contours Merrylands and into the empowerment and support of women & men big time. She is going places and her charitable streak is purely admirable.
In watching Liz tell her story, she has given some grave reports of losing childhood friends, knowing people who have lost their children in the 7.9 magnitude quake with the loss of culture and untold damage being done to the future of Nepal and it’s tourism industry.
With any disaster, comes the rise of of the paragon and I am very blessed to be one of the many supporters of Liz in her campaign. As I write this blog post in proud support, they have $6,078 of the $15,000 target. I made my own small donation to this great cause – knowing it would go straight “to the front” going to people who would truly need it.
Well done to Liz! >> You can donate right here at the Nepal Earthquake Family Fund!
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