It was a wonderful learning night full of glorious people. Love your work Nick and Amy!
The longer I am in business, the more events I attend, the more posts I put on FB and blogs I share on LinkedIn is the more I realise that winning involves targeting the right people.
I haven’t had my morning coffee yet and I was at my Desktop Windows 10 Touchscreen PC (which is awesome) reflecting on a great Networking gathering I had at the CBD Sydney Chamber last night.
I have about 15 business cards on my desk I plan to follow up this afternoon including two fantastic leads that I am quite excited about (which may get a phone call).
The operative point of all this being is that I was at the RIGHT event last night and within that event I was focusing on the RIGHT people. Giving some context as to what I mean here when I say ‘RIGHT’ is:
- They are high value successful people.
- They are nice, kind and awesome.
- I can genuinely help them in a win / win manner.
- They are people I want to become friends with for life.
You may have your own definition of what this means to you and interestingly in that event I was doing my best to direct my time and energy to the right people. There were people there I didn’t click with, didn’t like me or were suggesting opportunities to be which are not win / win which is great; I just kept my distance and was professionally polite (and it’s great when they do that to me too).
However the people which I liked, that liked me would get my total attention and it turned my night into a WONDERFUL and PROFITABLE experience. If I didn’t target & focus on the right people it could have been a bummer of an evening which has happened to me before.
Talking beyond networking as well there is a salient learning point here to me. Be it whatever platform we are using from the phone, to LinkedIn, to Email Marketing, to Live Events or FB; one must be careful as to who we focus on. If we focus on the wrong people, we can lose money, opportunities and become frustrated.
If we focus on the RIGHT people, we can help each other in their own respective lives win big.
My advice and thinking? Be awesome yourself first and then direct your energy on awesome people. This paves the way for everyone to win big and succeed in style.
Love your work, thanks for the read, Nick & Amy – love your work and stay awesome!
P.S. Hit that like and share button (and you rock).
2 Responses
Thanks Ed for all your great advice and help!
Love your work Nick! You’re in the zone 🙂 Winning!