We had one Awesome Happiness and Marketing Forum today with Awesome Entrepreneurs who GAVE UP THEIR SATURDAY for Success. Well done!
Today was an amazing day for the lovely Jude Dowsett and Edward Zia (me) in running our “Awesome Happiness and Marketing Forum II” in the beautiful beachside Regional City of Wollongong NSW.
It’s a Half-Day Free Workshop (sponsored by us) just for lovely Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs where we help them on the house.
We got some amazing reviews and are totally humbled with the feedback we received.
What impressed me today about this experience was the amazing people who would gladly give up their Saturdays to work on their business.
Think about it for a second, these people who came said:
“Yes I am tired. Yes I want to sleep in. BUT I am committed to my success and want to learn new things!”
That is totally awesome and when I started out in business I remember a great quote that inspires me to this day. Many business owners like myself start out “Business Networking” to get clients and build their power-influence base and I recall doing exactly that. As I had no money then (common for start-ups), there was a lot of fear I remember about going networking. Really fear based questions I would ask myself “What if I go out and get no clients? What if I can’t pay my bills?” and lots of lame stuff like that.
The great quote was:
“You are half-way there just by showing up!”
That really inspired me early days and I remember I would have some days I would get up just feeling like “Yuk!”. I would be tired, run down, fear based and I would just push myself to do it. Then that morning after making myself go to the networking event, I would get a new client and say to myself “OMG! If I didn’t do that, I would be down lots of money!”.
Over time this quite inspired me to that simple logic in that half of success is quite easily just “Showing Up” and doing the work. I remember at the time I was surrounded by lots of people who were “Better than me” (which are all back at work now) that would always tell me how I should work my business, but as I networked more and harder I got the success and they didn’t.
Bringing it back to the great people who joined us at our Forum today, I just want to say that THEY ARE AMAZING. Giving up their time to learn more to help their lives and families (or families to come).
My advice and learnings from today? It reminded me that if you want to do better than the “Average Person” you must deliver a way more exceptional game. That can be different for anyone – and in my mind it means making that extra effort to be extraordinary. Getting up early, working Saturdays, learning great ideas, networking more – all of that good stuff!
Thank you for the read and THANK YOU to those who joined us today. Love you work and you rock from Edward Zia!
About the Persian Middle Eastern Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor, Consultant, 4Networking Leader, Speaker and Lover of Awesome Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners based in Sydney Australia. He spends his days helping the business community with Ideas & Strategies to help his clients get more profitable clients with greater ease, success and automation.
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