Framing is everything and it’s got me thinking on Australia Day!
As lots of you wonderful people know, I am right into politics.
I actually wasn’t until my mid 30’s where I got pulled into the crazy world of lefties, right wingers, immigration, taxes, business and of course making my own business happen.
Australia Day is a fascinating one in how the left has tried very hard to dismantle it, but haven’t had the luck. Be it moving it to another date that isn’t ‘offensive’ to others or pro-British, or even just cancelling the whole thing and striking it off the holiday list.
As I write this article, I am on Australia Day 2018 in Regatta Point in Canberra (ACT) and it’s just wonderful. You have a totally diverse everything of people having a wonderful time with Justice Crew to the beats, Navy Helicopters putting on a show and even a massive fireworks display that is about to come.
Everyone is having such a wonderful time together and I can assure you this is what Australia Day is about.
‘Framing’ is a common term used in politics into how one attempts to structure an event, situation or thinking to suit their objectives.
The left attempts to frame Australia Day as ‘Invasion Day’ being something unholy in that Australia is the worst country ever, with say the average person just seeing it as a great day to come together and be pals.
The ‘Frame’ or ‘Framing’ is critical in Marketing, Politics, debating in that the one who successful sets the ‘frame’ will most likely win the support.
Ultimately the left isn’t able to get enough public support to their frame with most dismissing it which just rocks. All of us awesome people just see it as a great day.
My advice and thinking? When you are in Marketing, Business or Debating; the ‘frame’ you set it everything. It’s how you structure an argument and the trick is to keep the frame going exactly your way.
As for Australia Day, it rocks, I love it and hope you had / are having a great one!
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