I shoulda blocked em’ a year ago!
I had a wonderful experience that I had to share with you great people. I was working away, answering emails and playing a little bit of “Star Wars: Commander” (on my mobile) whilst speaking to some old friends and contacts on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a wonderful platform and I love using the personal messenger feature and I spoke to one of my old colleagues from years back. I have had good relations with this person historically, but they started treating me all weird a year ago.
Still though; I still stayed in contact to take it to it’s logical conclusion. I said hello being nice and they go all hostile on me and the line had been crossed!
I blocked them right away and it felt great! I then went to Facebook and blocked them there too! I double checked to see if they were in my database and blocked them there too.
I blocked, blocked, blocked and it just FELT WONDERFUL.
Liberating you could say!
My advice and thinking? If someone is walking the line with you for a while and they eventually cross it, it’s time to smash that block key.
It’s great for them and even greater for you. Do it friends! Smash that block key and smile.
Love your work, stay awesome friends and build your future.
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