Flight Instructor Amy Chang rocks and the love for what she does shows. Emerging Leader. We love her work!

Flight Instructor Amy Chang rocks and the love for what she does shows. Emerging Leader. We love her work!

If I go back many years to my great times at Tony Robbins (almost 15 years now), I learned a great stack of lessons that strangely did not serve me till later in life.

Now I am an entrepreneur, family guy, community leader and the like; I feel the pinch of the world around me and I acted on many of the great things I learned back then.

One part of the advice which I took very seriously was the importance of ‘High Energy’. This is a reference to one loving what they do and being healthy enough to live it with a much greater than normal level of motivation, zeal and focus.

This has been a critical factor in my own business and people know me as someone who is great at spotting talent. If I think of all the winners I have picked over the years, they all have ‘high energy’.

They may be quiet & indefatigable, strong & assertive like me, or even the talkative life of the party; these people share the common trait of ‘High Energy’.

A great living proof of this lesson is a new wonderful friend we have all made. She is very high energy, loves what she does, keeps going despite set backs and celebrates her wins. As I write this, I realise how much we are like the awesome Flight Instructor, Amy Chang.

Amy does exactly that in helping teach people how to fly and where she won me over quickly was her love for the work that she does, her ability to take on new concepts and her drive to be successful.

She is the living proof of ‘High Energy’ in the sense I am talking here, and these are the three key traits of her that are in the success zone:

–          Loves what she does beyond money.

–          Loves money.

–          Keeps going after defeat.

–          Wins energise her.

–          Open to learning.

–          Trying new things.

–          Okay with being wrong.

–          If it lets her win big!

This is basically how I think (hence we get along) and my advice to you is this my wonderful friends, raise your energy in your own unique way.

It starts with you doing that you love. I have found for me that my love for what I do gives me incredible energy and it makes it all fun and totally worthwhile. Even after defeat and setbacks (and believe me, I have had and continue to have plenty of those), I just want to get back up and hit it harder.

These are the traits of success my friend. I love it. Amy rocks.

Stay awesome, model her wonderful key traits and win friends. WIN BIG.

Love your work, thanks for the read and stay awesome!



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