Natalie Moutia. In the zone!
If you have followed my Blog, Facebook Page or know me in a the “Real World” you will know I like to create a stir of some form or another. Be it I am taking shots at Obama, trying to (very poorly) to solve the world’s problems with my Business / Geopolitics Commentating or the obvious play on my heritage (and over playing of my “Racist Card” whenever I am about to lose an argument).
Obviously when I say the term “Persian Man” in relation to myself and women it brings up a very sexist stereo-type of one form or the other. I think it’s quite funny actually as if anyone knows me I am the direct opposite of sexist. I was raised for some time by my mother who was an Inspector and Decorated Officer in Victoria Police and even though I am obviously a “Dude” – I know what discrimination is like.
I was even assaulted very badly when I was younger for being Middle-Eastern (even though I am a Christian) and strangely enough I value those experienced to today. I would have people at school not even talk to me and totally hate me because really of “The Colour of my Skin and not the Content of my Character” (even though I am not even that dark).
Be it Women, Gays, Muslims, Christians or anyone who gets persecuted / discriminated against unfairly – there is a chance you will find me in their corner to even out the playing field.
Bringing it back to Awesome Business Woman I have to call a Spade a Spade here. Sexism against women is still a massive problem today in the workplace and thankfully to a lesser extend in the Small Business / Entrepreneur game. I was incredibly lucky to meet an amazing Champion of Women’s Success in Business Natalie Moutia.
She is kind, intelligent and when I first met her I instantly felt her integrity driven pride come to the service. She is the Founder & Director of “Success Women’s Network” which is a network developed for Women to develop as successful business leaders. As Women can support each other in a safe environment, it can really help them get the right “Mindset” and support (especially if women are still rightfully knocked around after a life of discrimination against them).
I was lucky to be invited to guest speak at her events and found it quite similar to 4Networking (with obviously a lot more women than Persian Guys). Over time, Natalie and I became friends – we helped advise each other on challenges we have faced (and even spoke about some of our demons of the past) and I was again blessed to be invited as a speaker at her new coming Success School just for Women.
I think this is really cool and if you are based in Sydney, Australia – and are obviously female I really encourage you to check this one out.
Thank you again to Natalie Moutia and her team for the warmest welcome and I trust you enjoy their Press Release Below:
MEDIA RELEASE: Thursday 29th January 2015
“New Success School coming to town”
Business women in Sydney and surrounds should get in quickly to book a seat at one of the newest events with the first Success School brought to you by Success Women’s Network (SWN) and Adept Training on Wednesday 25th February 2015.
Success Women’s Network founder, Natalie Moutia said, “This event is perfect for busy business women who are looking for personal transformation, change, self-empowerment, business support and the exchange of business ideas and concepts.
We believe that being in business can be awesome, positive, inspiring and rewarding. We believe that change is available to us; all we have to do is to ask the right questions and surround ourselves with the right people. We are building a safe space where our attendees with other like-minded women immerse themselves in a sense entrepreneurial spirit. Free to explore, ask questions, share ideas that are presented and facilitated. We feel passionate about our mission and vision of creating a successful business community”.
Attendees benefit from a panel of experts. Attendees get to know and trust 3 experienced business owners from diverse business backgrounds. Each business owner provides a short introduction and shares real life examples of their business journey, attendees can bring their questions and concerns, as a group we work on the issues raised with the opportunity for each attendee to meet other business owners one-on-one. It’s professional advice in a personal, relaxed, fun and collaborative environment. Our new high-energy format is focused on delivering a big impact for all levels of business in just a few hours. The event highlights include:
• Registrations and connecting with open networking
• Introductions from our panel
• Questions and Answers from attendees to business owners
• Break out groups with business owners
• Morning tea
• Follow up and unwind: Build on your new contacts, connect and network.
Success School is a not-to-be missed business opportunity! Thanks to Adept Training for making this event possible.
When: Wednesday 25th FEB 2015
Venue: Adept Training Centre, 83 Marion Street, Harris Park
Book your seat at Success School www.successwomensnetwork.com.au with limited spaces.
MEDIA INFORMATION: Media are welcome to attend Success School. For interviews, photographs and more information contact Success Women’s Network Founder, Natalie Moutia on 0419 687 846 or natalie@successwomensnetwork.com.au
Edward’s Post Commentary:
Very cool! Check this out, Google Natalie Moutia and learn more about this coming event. Cool times are coming and cannot wait. Thank you for the read and thank you from Edward Zia!
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