![The incredible group of 'Immigrant Entrepreneurs' we spoke too. Their resolve is admirable!](http://excellent1138.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/The-incredible-group-of-Immigrant-Entrepreneurs-we-spoke-too.-Their-resolve-is-admirable.jpg)
The incredible group of ‘Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ we spoke too. Their resolve is admirable!
I have spoken at an extreme range of events across Sydney over the years. From multi-millionaire people in the Eastern Suburbs, to High School Students, to Business Owners; I have now spoken to ‘Immigrant Entrepreneurs’.
Just recently I spoke to a fantastic class at the Academy of Entrepreneurs who were fun, dynamic and all of them were overseas students!
Most of the room was from Brazil and it was such an interesting insight into a fascinating part of the Sydney scene being that of immigrants who are motivated entrepreneurs. Some speak perfect English, some are working on it and it reminded me of myself some 10 years ago.
Even though I am Australian; I came to Sydney very broke and it’s been lots of hard and rewarding work to catch up in life, get my business going and become as successful as I can be.
I spoke to quite a few of the wonderful students and got their story on how hard it actually is for them starting in a new city. Low funds, loss of their old friends & family, a new complete language for them and navigating a massive hustling and bustling metropolis such as Sydney.
Australian English is my first language for me and I remember when I came to Sydney! The first 18 months were totally crazy and even 10 years later I can still feel myself adjusting in many ways more than one.
I have heard a range of stats from the government in that over 30% of people in Sydney are not born in Sydney with myself being one of them and it’s incredible. You have to ask yourself who do people make the big move to Sydney and I can tell you this from myself; it’s hard but it’s incredibly rewarding.
As we had a great honest conversation we all agreed on one beautiful thing:
- Sydney is just wonderful in that anyone can come here penniless and take advantage of the massive opportunities around!
My advice and thinking? Being an Entrepreneur is hard enough and you must take your hat off to the incredible ‘Immigrant Entrepreneurs’! They are dedicated, awesome and very ambitious; I love their work.
>> Check out the Academy of Entrepreneurs Facebook page here!
Love your work friends and here is to living our lives to the profitable extreme.
2 Responses
Hey Edward! It was a huge pleasure to meet you at Academy of Entrepreneurs. Everyone got fascinated watching your presentation, listening to your important tips & tools provided through internet with no costs! Thanks for adding value to our knowledge & sharing your inspiration to make us much more powerful in Australia. Cheers Camila Quiles – @Brazil – Founder: http://www.viper-code.com
I love your work and you too Camila! It was wonderful seeing you and LOVE YOUR WORK!