Jamie Simpson rocks. Watch this cool guy very closely!
It was many years ago when I used to run evening networking events in a very different part of Sydney.
I was early on in my business, working hard, hardly working (not), and doing lots of work that has ended up becoming my winning model today.
During this wonderful time, I was very lucky to meet this very good looking and charismatic guy. We clicked, became friends fast and I learned of his dream; to start Ranger Jamie Tours!
Jamie Simpson and I worked together right from the early days and over the years this guy has taken over the place.
He has over 30+ rangers, educated thousands of students (probably tens of thousands by now) and he put up this very cool photo of him with and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.
For the record, Gladys totally rocks, is awesome and is the like BEST PREMIER EVER and WHO SHALL EVER BE.
Jamie as well totally rocks, and therefore I love his work in that we can all learn a lesson or two from him:
– He has high energy and sticks to the task.
– Great person that loves his customers and team.
– Jamie shall go for gold.
– Only the best will do.
– He rocks.
My advice and thinking? Follow Jamie Simpson very closely. He is a powerhouse guy on a mission.
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