I love Melbourne and Visiting my old Employer ‘Henkel Australia’ got me thinking totally out of the box. Loving it!
It’s day 2 of my visit to Melbourne and I am loving it. Spending time with my special lady, my mother and father (who I need to see more often). ‘
It’s been a great ‘reset’ to my brain in terms of doing new things, seeing experiences I haven’t encountered in a while and even more – working ‘On’ the business and not such much ‘In’ the business.
Over time I am starting to realize the importance of taking holidays. It’s a great recharge and tons of new ideas have been coming to me. I think what happens is that when we get out of our normal routine, we give ourselves ‘less’ things to think about – it opens our mind to enter a more creative phase to come up with new things in all areas.
Be it getting healthier physically and also coming up with that ‘brilliant’ idea that totally hits the spot. On my trip already, I have come up with great new ideas including:
– Types of Video to promote my Events on Facebook.
– Improving my Online Mentoring Program.
– How to better leverage my communications to help clients and also educate others.
+ More!
I don’t think I would have had these ideas this quickly without the great holiday I have been on so far and it’s reminded me of the critical importance of not just ‘working like a dawg’. Working hard is great, however it’s critical that our work is allocated to the right areas to get maximum efficiency and results.
If we get tired, fatigued, stressed out – our productivity drops, satisfaction goes out the window and growing the business can only get harder.
My advice and thinking? Get out of the box so you can think out of the box. Have great holidays, time off and think of how you can make your business better, more powerful and super awesome.
Love your work, thank you for the read – check out my Mentoring Program ‘The Awesome Marketing Vault’ and of course – Stay Awesome!
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