Australia Day has been my best weekend. Two blogs go viral and it’s inspired me to share some insights with you. Love your support and thank you!!
The Australia Day Weekend has been outstanding for me and I have been very blessed to be spending time with my new family. I am also so very lucky to have 2 x Blog Articles go viral and get shared all over Facebook and get hundreds of clicks to my website.
Blogging is a very powerful technique indeed for connecting with people, demonstrating your expertise, getting people to share your content and ultimately get more sales. I personally love it and in all honesty with you – it has taken me really a good solid year of blogging till the articles I have written have started to “Go Viral”.
This basically means that at times, I write a “Perfect Article” that just hits people and they feel compelled to share it. I have had that luck with two of my own articles in a row really hitting the mark. One was seen 14,000+ times on FB with the other being seen 4,000+.
Now before you think “Edward just got lucky and he is playing expert and trying to make out he is awesome” – that is a true comment! I did get lucky. I blog almost every day and I write lots of articles. Say a few times a month, I will just “Hit the Mark” and get that viral effect which is great.
Getting an article to go Viral is not an easy thing, however I have done my best to give you 7 x Tips to help you in this process:
1) You need an Extreme Point: My two articles that have gone viral have been me out Professing Australia is the best country on Earth and taking a shot at Radical Islam. I have had some Marketing Articles go viral too as I really hit a rare point and gave some new knowledge which was great. Come up with a radical point for yourself.
2) Continually Fire Out Content: This is what I have proven myself, you really need content going out all the time. In my case, the probably of an article going viral is say 5% – so to get one going viral that’s 20 articles!
3) Use your Whole Social Media Platform: I have used everything to do this. Facebook Boosted Posts, LinkedIn, Twitter and the lot. You just can’t blog by itself and hope for the best – you need to share it somehow!
4) Make the Blog Header and Point very Compelling: The Headline and Graphics / Image you are using is just critical. You really want this to stand out and make a massive point and give people a reason to click!
5) Don’t always write about your speciality: I have had articles go viral in all areas and even though I am a Marketing / Sales Guy, I have written many articles about Geopolitics, people I like, Radical Islam and my days working for the Secret Service. Always great stuff!
6) Write from the heart and tell the truth: I admit my mistakes and I haven’t made $100,000 in the past hour. Don’t BS or lie or exaggerate. Tell the truth. People know it and respect you for it.
7) Start Trying and go for it: I have blogged very hard for a good 13 months now and I am starting to get really good at it. It’s an artform that takes time and my first blogs were very rough. So get into it!
Love your work friends and thank you for the read – drop me a line of course if I can assist you!
About the Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor, Commentator, Blogger (obviously!) and 4Networking Leader. He loves helping Awesome Small Business Owners nail their Businesses & Marketing so they can achieve awesome success, drive nice cars, have big houses, send their kids to nice schools and give to charity. If you like what you are reading and want More Profitable Clients then check out his home study course “The Awesome Marketing Vault by Edward Zia” >> Right Here!

‘The Awesome Marketing Vault by Edward Zia’ – my Premium Online Community full of Sales & Marketing Ideas. Love you to check it out!
2 Responses
Great tips about blogging Edward. They are inspiring and motivational. I did make a start and hope to fly with you. Happy Australia Day!
Why thank you Alfred! I love your kind remarks. Looking forward to your Guest Blog to go Live! A few more tweaks and yay! x x