It was a pleasure learning from Public Speaking Expert Mark Kyte in our Live Webinar tonight. I had to share the insights with you all!
Tonight I was very lucky to hold an extremely successful Live Webinar with Public Speaking expert. I have seen him in action many times and he has some great skills and I just had to get him as a guest speaker tonight.
We spoke about lots of great strategies and cool ideas and even though I (and many) consider myself an accomplished speaker – there is always something you can learn. The recording of the live webinar shall be stored in the Awesome Marketing Vault and trust you enjoy these great tips right here:
1) Get the Structure Right: This one is critical and even though I nail this today, I missed many great opportunities in the past. Right from getting ready, to introducing yourself, giving great content, having an offer – it’s all important!
2) Smile & Enjoy it: Make yourself enjoy it! The more you enjoy it the better.
3) The Audience Wants you to Succeed: My older negative self always thought people were out to get me. Not true! People WANT YOU TO KICK BUTT. So feel their love.
4) Tell a Story: As a hardcore ‘Director’ in the DISC profile, I just cut to the chase and tell the facts. I have got a lot out of slowing down and telling compelling stories.
5) Engage & Entertain: So true! You must be compelling and enjoyable for the fine audience to get lots out of it.
6) Talk about your failures: Yes! Talk about how you stuffed up and how you overcame it. I do this a bit, but now mark has totally said it – I feel way better about it.
7) It doesn’t matter how long: You can sell in 60 seconds to 60 minutes to 600 minutes. You can get across a potent point and get results fast!
I really like this thinking and to me it the better you impress the crowds, the more you sell and the more your bank account will love you.
My advice & lessons over the years? My business would easily be 30% smaller without public speaking so it’s one profitable business skill. Get into it, contact us if you need a hand and love it!
Thank you for the read, full appreciation to Mark Kyte and Stay Awesome!
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