Sharing email blasts is awesome such as I have done with Dave Cowling lately. A great strategy at increasing reach!
If you are subscribed to my database or heard me speak on Marketing, you will know that I am a massive fan of having an Email Marketing / Newsletter Program setup in a business.
Be it a simple linear newsletter that goes to everyone, a more complex customized one that goes to people at different stages of the buying cycle – all are important and a way of staying in constant contact.
Especially as as small business owner, our ‘database’ is one of our key marketing assets. For me, I am working my way up to 1400+ and sending out weekly emails has been a great part of my marketing startegy.
One thing I have started lately (and highly recommend to my clients) is putting in partner tiles each week. Say someone has an upcoming workshop, a great event, a cool blog or has done really cool – it’s a great thing to put in a tile advertising them in my newsletter.
It’s good for my database in that it gives more value to my subscribes and good for the person I am obviously promoting to now almost 1400 people.
Likewise too, as I have blasted them in my database they may return the love and blast me in their database. This has worked incredibly well for me in terms of other people promoting my webinars, free live events (such as The Profitable Marketing Forum) or whatever great stuff is coming up.
My thinking and lessons on this one?
Be out there, work with your great partners and share email blasts. Put them in your newsletter, go in their newsletter and help extend your reach and success 100% cash-free.
Love your work, thank you for the ready, enjoy the tip & Stay Awesome!
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