Different things motivate each of us. Whatever they are, know it and write it down!
My business is going through a great level of transition right now from a ‘Real World Consulting Business’ to that of an ‘Online’ one with my growth in Facebook, Webinars, the Awesome Marketing Vault.
It’s been a massive change for me personally too on many levels. My actual ‘day job’ is different now in terms of what I do, where I go, who I seek out and the way I market my own business and services.
It’s made me smarter, stronger, tougher and more competitive in what I do and for me – ‘Winning’ in my own respect of achieving what I want in life is very important. For many awesome people in my community, it’s the same too. We all have our plans of ‘World Domination’ going for what we want in our own unique way.
I have found there are many reasons we do things and for myself and many – it’s very important to tap into exactly why you are in business and doing what you are doing. For me, it’s been really writing down these reasons as to why and what I am after.
I just updated my plans tonight actually and they are very inspiring. I was actually about to print it out and stick it on my wall and my printer is playing up (lol) – so once that is working, it will be up on my wall in it’s full glory. It’s totally inspiring me and I’d love to totally share it with you:
My Weekly Tasks:
3 x high end events
2 x meetings with awesome people
7 x blog posts
30 x Facebook posts
1 x Friday AM newsletter
1 x Monday Meet Up newsletter
1 x Website test & review
3 x Gym sessions
The Why:
– Support my awesome family
– Time, Wealth, Success, Gaming, Fun, Options
Outcomes by end July 2016:
2 x New Vault Clients / Week
2 x New Awesome Personal Clients / Month
My advice wonderful friends? Write down exactly what you need to do to achieve your results, get what you want and win. Put in what you have to do, the reasons why and the outcomes with a time limit.
Love your work, thanks for the read, enjoy and stay awesome!
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