With thanks to Steve Reynolds for leading a great team, very pumped with the coming WSABE 2016!
It’s only 1:39PM Tuesday as I write this blog article and I am ready to lie down and smile.
It’s been a very productive week and it hit off with bang Monday morning meeting with the WSABE team.
The WSABE team are the group from Parramatta Chamber of Commerce setting up this years 2016 Western Sydney Awards of Business Excellence. Steve Reynolds is running the show, put the team together and it has me reflecting on quite the diverse group he has brought together.
As I reflect on how productive it’s going and my support of it, the upcoming 2016 WSABE awards have me quite impressed. It’s an opportunity for Western Sydney Businesses to enter and get business advice, lots of exposure and get better connectd with movers and shakers.
I actually haven’t won many awards in my life. There are a lot of reasons for that without playing the victim or anything lame like that. Much of it has been not actually entering them for a range of valid and not so valid reasons.
My honest hard look in the mirror thinking is that I haven’t felt comfortable going into awards for a range of silly reasons linked to my own ‘self-value’ and confidence.
In short, I think winning awards is an awesome marketing strategy and why not? It’s a great move and it can work well for many people.
My advice friends? It’s great to enter awards that suit you and your business. Sure, you may not win – but there are a lot of other perks on the way. You get connected, meet people and get successful.
Worth it in my book. If you are interested in checking out the 2016, visit the website right here!
Love your work, thanks for the read, thank you Parramatta Chamber and stay awesome.
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