Everyone made NSW Business Chamber rock for me. Winning, Winning and Winning!
The view was wonderful, the room was packed, the venue was incredible, the food was divine, and the people were in the zone; this was NSW Business Chamber’s last Business Networking event for 2017.
It’s been a great few years I’ve had with the top Chamber in town, and I must have invited at least 100 people over the past 12 months to visit.
My reaction to the Chamber is very common to most. The first time you go, one can be a bit nervous as you navigate an ocean of wonderful successful people. Early day business networking was certainly a challenge for me and as you keep going, it gets easier, more fun and you get to make lots of new friends extremely quickly.
As you make friends, you get more referrals, give them and set yourself up to get high value clients.
Yesterday, I met a new friend to be and they asked me lots about NSW Business Chamber (after watching me MC there). They just started a new business and were emerging into the Sydney business scene asking me what NSW BC was like (and whether they should join or not).
I gave them a direct and powerful answer to this in describing how I keep ‘Winning, Winning and Winning!’ at NSW BC. The key reasons were:
– The Chamber is full of successful people. This means they have wealth, connections and influence (great customers to be!).
– You meet great people and suppliers that you can refer people too making your own influence stronger.
– Events are in top locations that are very energising (Luna Park overlooking the most beautiful Harbour in the world!).
– The staff who run the Chamber are serious professionals that get all the details right.
– The Chamber culture is one that allows you to make new friends and build new relationships.
In a hard sense, this has led to me developing a continual stream of new high value profitable clients. In a soft sense, this has allowed me to personally develop and totally lift my game on many levels.
My advice and thinking? If you are based in Sydney get into NSW BC. If you are from another city, check out the local Chambers in your city / town. There are usually one to two great ones in every region.
Do it and keep winning, winning and winning!
Love your work, thank you friends and stay awesome!
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