You’re not going to win them all, but make ’em suffer!
I have been getting really excited lately for the new Star War Film to be coming out; Rouge One.
If you are as old as me, it’s actually the remake of the old Lucasarts PC Game “Dark Forces” from the 90’s (which they finally made into a movie).
It’s going to be awesome and the actual plot has really resonated with me compared to some of the other Star Wars films. It’s the film of the Rebel’s stealing the plans for the ‘Death Star’ that later setup events for the Rebel Alliance to take it down and free the universe once again from tyranny and oppression.
The film has been hitting me on many levels and I quite like the story and hidden thinking it gets across. You basically have a group of people on a suicide mission who no doubt will suffer incredible losses to win in the end. I find the story very much a metaphorical representation of my life on many levels (and I am sure yours).
Several months ago I made a newbie mistake in my business. I got all these big clients, got fat and complacent – and even went networking less! In hindsight I am still shaking my head at my poor behaviour and what happened is that they finished up all at once hitting my revenue.
I replaced them all and more real quickly, but what was interesting was the ‘wins and losses’ dynamic of it all. There is no way you can win all your battles and I have found success in business to be a series of ‘wins and losses’. There is no way you can avoid losses and the trick is making sure your wins are much bigger (in both numbers and quantity).
For me especially I have been working very hard on that agenda. As long as I keep bringing in massive wins, I can sustain whatever losses come my way. Another way of putting it; I know I will lose (at times) so I need lots of winning to negate that and obviously put me ahead.
The importance of this all is getting into a ‘wins & losses’ mindset. When you take a loss (be it a client, mistake or an opportunity) – don’t let it slow you down. In fact; let it energise you to go for the next win. This breakthrough in thinking has been massive for me!
My advice and thinking? Like our Rebel friends from Rouge One – take your losses, but get the big win. Do what it takes. After defeat, get up fast and them back harder. When I watch Rouge One, I will certainly be taking notes.
Love your work, thanks for the read, thank you Disney / Star Wars and pumped!
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