Our whole lives are the ‘here and now’. Best we make the most of it!
I arrived in Sydney CBD quite early today. I like to do it to skip the obvious traffic on a Monday, get some ‘Ed’ thinking time in (with a nice walk from where I park to where I need to be) and consider about my future.
One key profitable thought of mine over the past few months and today has been how Sales & Marketing works to the day. That is without sounding like a Greek Philosopher, we only have today with there being no such thing as tomorrow.
In terms of Sales & Marketing, this basically means that all we have is this moment to drive our business and agenda forward. Once today has passed, that’s it! It’s not retrievable, it’s in the past and it can’t really help us.
Our success in this moment however, is the result of all our previous days combined. If we do a great job before this moment, then we are winning big! If we do a lack lustre job, then we shall feel extreme lack lustre results.
My advice and thinking? Without now sounding like a Soft Drink commercial, live your life to the fullest! I mean this in a Sales & Marketing sense. Be it you are meeting people one on one or working on highly leveraged and scaled activities, it all matters.
Make the most of your days. The are wonderful, however fleeting. I have found that when I have lots of great days, things just get slowly better and it rocks.
Take action, keep making those necessary moves and of course, WIN BIG and STAY AWESOME!
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