Whenever I have felt challenge or difficult times in business or life – Winston Churhill’s inspirational advice comes to mind. You got to keep going hard to get out of the bad stuff and get back into the GOOD STUFF!
Winston Churchill once reportedly said “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
I remember when I first heard this line, I was in a good mood and I actually gave it a bit of sneer and didn’t think much of it. As time passed and key parts of my life became more challenging – this became a great motivational piece of advice that I often like to pass onto people need encouragement in difficult times.
For me especially right now, it’s certainly what I want to hear in that business wise I am rocking (thank God!), however other parts of my life aren’t exactly what I would put on a wish list to Santa Claus. For me, I took a very unexpected knock recently that really sent me for a “Six” (using British / Australia Cricket terms) and even though I consider myself a very happy / adjusted man – some moments have been a struggle for me.
I was speaking to a new colleague today about creative writing and I was explaining how blogging has helped put me on the map as a Marketing Mentor across town. One key insight I found that as a blogger, when you “Don’t feel like it” is the BEST TIME to blog and really explore whatever you may be feeling – or perhaps more positively, you are so overworked you are tired and you do it anyway.
For me, the last few days have had a few knocks for me and it has created a range of emotions that anyone can feel at intense times in their lives. One moment I may feel very normal, then immediately I may feel despair, shame, embarrassment and intense levels of fatigue. I find my awesome friends, clients and work very satisfying so that is a great outlet for me in these instances.
As I am a positive guy, I don’t like to be down for long (I am almost over it so yay) – I have found the best thing you can do when life / business is kicking you around is embrace what is going on around you. For me, trying to run away from my emotions of pain & suffering just tends to make it worse. When I accept my own “Hell” it makes it much easier.
This is where I love to take the time to take a shot at “Positive Thinking”. I am sure if you are regular reader of my blogs you are probably with me on this one, “Positive Thinking” to me creates a lot of problems. The moment you pretend everything is wonderful (when it isn’t) it really doesn’t lead to any positive solutions. Even though I am not a psychologist, I think it leads to more disappointment and sadness.
Bringing it back to Winston Churchill’s great advice, in whatever happens to you – something can trigger a “Hell” type of reaction in you. You can lose your job, a loved one, a friendship, a pet or get really badly injured (which all have happened to me at some point and I am sure many of you wonderful people reading this).
Especially in your own business, when you feel up against it – the last thing you want to do it sit around. You want to keep going hard, do what you need to do and let the negative situation sort itself out and let the emotions clear in their own time.
My advice? If you are happy right now – stay that way! Keep Winston’s advice in your memory banks if things turn against you. If you are going through your own version of “Hell” right now, run harder and go further. It makes you tougher, makes life more satisfying and turns your own “Sob Story” into exactly that – you get out of your own head and focused on what matters.
Thank you for the read, your support and you rock!
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